
Showing posts from January, 2015

Through My Lens --- I

The real time - Sun Down The largest standing statue of Buddha  in  - 'The Land Of Thunder Dragon'

Where We Stand?

Poor me!  - waited taxi nearly for thirty minutes and couldn't get one in the Babesa express high way after visiting to friend’s place. I'm very sure there would be some thousands of taxi plying every day every-where in capital city today and particularly the number of taxi that had passed within my stand in the road too was many. Yet, none of the taxi I was trying to stop was listening to my call. Honestly, I was little pissed-off with the notion our taxi driver has today from few of the un-wise lots. Since, they are injected/guided with little common outlooks that every youth dressed-up like Korean, punk or hip-pop are measured to be bad or notorious. We cannot guarantee and punish all youth in the name of few notorious youth or any of the individual travelling during night time. Having stand for nearly thirty minutes on the road I'd many mixed feelings. Then, I was vigorously reflecting the back. And I could recollect certain incidences of past years - taxi ...

Cherishable Moment

The moment of delicious egg roll and hand-made biscuit was the last and the most cherish-able time that I had with few of my friends.  And the other interesting part was that I got to see and experience different kinds of people around.  --The rich and poor, buyers to beggars, handsome to ugly, tall and short, slim and fat, black and white and so on... These are the brief summary on some of the interesting things that I've seen around recently. The last drive in auto The chicken roast cabin   The festive moment The moment of trust - brain drain 

Leaked English Paper II - Needed Justice

Where in the name of the financial echo is the life of thousand innocent lives stand? I felt the need is urgent to consider the re-conducting of exam for leaked English paper II. Otherwise, thousands are missing their different career tracks, since the mark obtained in English determines their overall performance standard. Now, all the rumors of redoing of exam have come to its conclusion after the BCSEA board recently announced for not conducting re-exam for the leaked paper.  Thus, it sounded to me that the call is over and the game is played just for the sake. Other way - this has given us the clear picture of where Bhutan would lie in near future. Besides that - the decision taken would definitely divide between poor and the good students. But, here my point is not to defend or go against any of the concern agencies rather my point is just to benefit our children those who did not get access to questions. How fair the justification is true over the leaked...

454 Images III

This is the little view that I've seen on the first day of 2015.  This would be my starting day and the guiding remembrance.  More importantly, this'd also further stream-line my skills to much awaited field. I’m sure this year would be more than just its natural happenings.