
Showing posts from March, 2016



The Chalk and the Dust!

Who is a teacher ? This is something we need to know very closely as an individual, because there isnā€™t anybody who is comparable to a teacher, a world maker and a mind architect. The literary meanings for a teacher is 'a person whose job is teaching, especially in school'. Isnā€™t this ironic when nobody values teacher even though they have great powers of persuasion to change this world. I believe, teacher are someone who hauls the forms of the chalk into dust and finally turns it into gold. They are the only super hero, north-star and the one who always sinks in the pool of chalk-dust for the sake of world and to change empty brain but it never happens the way it should happen.     With advent in technology, teacher are valued less in the society. Our student thinks that technology alone can help them learn entire syllabus. They think that all learning comes in total package with good mobile phone with 3G network coverage. Our youth aspires only for ...

Gang which kidnapped Bhutanese boy arrested

Mar 17, 2016, 08.08 AM IST The Times of India , finally revealed on 'Gang which kidnapped Bhutanese boy arrested'. It's a sound news for Bhutanese and many more living with fear.  Thank you team India and Bhutan for the immense hard work you all have put in at risk and work for many soul tirelessly. I am sure your hard work will never go in vain and waste either. You all are the true heroes and the great warrior for eternal time.   You all are the true citizen and the sons of the soil who protects us from evil minded people around. You all deserve to be the best of best human else we will go astray. We want to see you performing same and continued help and support as you all are rendering now and on.                                                                            Hats...


Date: 17:03:2016 Date:18:03:2016

Bhutan emerging as a centre for trafficking

source: google With development at hand the frequent human trafficking; flesh trading, kidnappings and child laborers are becoming a national concern and to many it had created a sense of impending doom simply. Our country had already became over exposed to ill-minded dealers around because government of the day is not looking into this matters seriously.  I could see there are still huge lapses un-turned, which need to be address soon else we're heading into more vulnerable state.  With increasing population we're heading into more delicate society, it is a sign of harmony being slowing disappearing from human mind. This kind of battle has been going on around for unknown generation and it would continue if we do not work for it now. Moreover, it also has more impact than a war, crisis and nuclear weapons as it keeps behind ill-waves in human minds. The country's development and unlawful activity are like double salts, it never works independently. ...

