Spent Less, Saved More –What an Interesting Resolution for 2021 by BBC
I wasn't surprised by this beautiful catchphrase "Spent Less, Saved More " on the eve of 2021 by BBC. It was intended for two good reasons. Firstly unlike other years 2020 was horrible with exponential spending. Secondly it talks about the importance of saving culture. It also meant to caution people on eating habits, buying habits, spending habits, cooking habits, dieting habits and wasting habits. The limited resources are getting depleted overly in the hand of gruesome people. However, given the power of this mainstream channel, I am sure everyone must have realized the value of resources –both natural and man-made need care and need to be preserved. Bhutanese complaining on skyrocketed prices on consumer goods is a reality. As a dependent society we must realize that every material and consumer goods comes with heavy cost and sacrifice. Recently I came across two very interesting Kunesel headlines. One says 'CFM vendors fight for chillies' and othe...