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Ryan Holiday: EGO is the ENEMY


Let me start with a few questions: What is ego? What role does it play? Who is free of ego? Are there any benefits to having an ego?

Ryan Holiday's Ego is the Enemy is an inspirational read for anyone seeking to achieve greatness in life, a journey often hindered by the presence of ego. 

I had been excited to read this book for a while and finally decided to try the audiobook version. I knew it would be challenging to absorb everything, but I believed it is worth trying. Listening to a 5-hour and 34-minute audiobook takes more than just time—it requires patience, dedication, determination, and focus. One moment you are immersed in the book, and the next, you are up in the air. 

It took me two days to complete the book. While I may not have retained every single detail, I grasped the key concepts it offers. 

It reminded me of my childhood, when I was both innocent and arrogant—a reflection of my massive ego. This book helped me understand the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and reducing the role of ego in one’s life. I have always believed that ego is vital for survival, but keeping its negative aspects in check is equally crucial.

As I listened to each chapter, one thought continued to linger—how ego can both elevate and destroy an individual. This made me think of football legends like Messi and Ronaldo, both extraordinary players in their own way.

Messi’s humble ego has made him to quietly ascend to one of the greatest footballers of all time. Ronaldo, on the other hand, has channeled his more outward ego and competitive nature into his own version of greatness. Both players have used ego in a constructive way, and this is the kind of ego one should cultivate—whether in sports or any other field.

On the other side, I feel a sense of loss when I think of Neymar. He, too, was a football genius, but after a few years of brilliance, he failed to maintain his momentum, even during his prime. I remember watching him alongside Messi at Barcelona, but his career was short-lived. 

In my view, Neymar lacked the discipline and constructive ego needed to reach his full potential. He could have outshone both Messi and Ronaldo, but his lack of a positive ego hindered him. A player with his talents should have left a lasting legacy, but instead, his career faded too soon.

This brings me to a personal story. One of my close friends from high school, a brilliant mind, ruined his life by lacking ego. When properly harnessed, ego can be a powerful tool for self-development. It can be a gift, but if it becomes a source of unchecked pride, it can destroy both life and success.

As a teacher, I always advise my students to embrace ego, but the right kind—the positive, competitive, and growth-oriented ego. Some of them took this advice and went on to become successful, while others misunderstood it. 

    ***         ***          ***

This book stands out because it offers a wealth of insights, featuring facts and stories about various figures from the past and present who either achieved fame or saw their careers and lives ruined, with or without ego.

The chapters are arranged beautifully, with every word and line resonating deeply and feeling relevant to everyone—whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, influential or not. I especially loved how each chapter or topic ends with a remarkable and thought-provoking conclusion.

My favorite part was the idea of "always being a student," which highlights life as an ongoing journey of learning but also a constant challenge. The tragic story of guitarist Dave Mustaine's exit from the band Metallica was a real eye-opener for me.


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