Golden Words Of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck

King Jigme Singye Wangchuck
" particular, speaking for myself; my sorrow in having lost my own father is indeed very great. What is more the country has lost a king whose kind has till now never been known..."
                                                              (Royal proclamation to the people of Bhutan, July 26, 1972)
" far as you, my people, are concerned, you should not adopt the attitude that whatever is required to be done for your welfare will be done entirely by the government. On the contrary, a little effort on your part will be much more effective than a great deal of effort on the part of the government..."
                                   (Address to the people of the Bhutan on the coronation day. June 2nd, 1974)

"...children are our treasures. They hold the promise of the future and therefore, it is only right that they should be given every opportunity to develop their physical, mental and spiritual potential to the fullest extent in an environment free of want and free of fear..."
                                                  (Message during the international year of the child, July 28, 1979)

"...the greatness of a country is determined by its people. The productiveness and character of the people is in turn determined by the quality of education they receive..."
                                   (Message during the silver jubilee celebrations of Sherubtse College. 1993)

"…the Chhoetse Penlop will be enthroned as the Fifth Druk Gyalpo in 2008. As it is necessary and important for a King to gain as much experience as possible to serve his country to his fullest capacity, I will be delegating responsibilities to the Chhoetse Penlop before 2008..."

                                                                                    (Address to the Nation, December 17, 2005)

Note: Collected by teacher colleague (Mr. Kuenzang Tsheltrium)


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