
Showing posts from June, 2016


Pema Euden - Author A book titled ' Lomba ' was authored by Pema Euden, who also had written ' Home Coming ' when she was 12 years old and became the youngest Bhutanese author. I wish her a prosperous life ahead and hope to see her writing more books in future. I wish she too would like the words and the sentences as much as I do and as much as I'm in love for it. I wish her book would float all over Bhutan and even around the world.     A Book Titled - Lomba The generous and the heart felt news was when she had declared that her first 500 copies of Lomba are being sold at the Tarayana Centre in Thimphu and 30 percent of the earnings was donated to Tarayana Foundation. It is assured that her kind gesture of helping others at this age would definitely bring her more prosperity in her life, to her family members and to the other book lovers. Nevertheless, we would never stop to pray for her good health and more fortune to unfold her way at least by...

Book Review: The Perfection Point

Book title:  The perfection point Author:  John Brenkus Publisher:  Pan Books Year of publishing:  2012   John Brenkus, ' the perfection point ' is a novel from United States of America. This book talks about the perfection point, energy, essence of games and sports. The author has spent the last decade studying and popularizing the unique characteristics of the world’s greatest athletes. He tries to weave around the neuroscience, the unsolved mystery and how farthest can a human run. The author brings to us the central characters, Usain Bolt and many more world record holder in different games and sports disciplines.  Perhaps, it is something that is deeply rooted and liked by many even though it is very uncertain to predict on the final point. The twist and turns of where and how exactly does it going to end is also intensely reflected but in confusion. This book basically talks about the legitimate questions of - how fast, how far, how high and ho...

My Wish

Why God didn't favor me to have  HAND SKILLS  like  Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet and engineer? Why God didn't favor me to have handsome, attractive and clear  LOOKS  like Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio, an American actor and film producer?  Why my birth didn't favor me to have a BRAIN and thinking capacity like Albert Einstein, a physicist? Why God aren't by my side to Gift me a skilled  LEG like Lionel Messi, a Argentine professional footballer? Why God didn't favor me to have a pleasing  VOICE like Don Williams, an American country singer, songwriter, Country Music Hall of Fame? Why God didn't favor me to have LEG POWER like Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter, a fastest person ever timed, 100 metres and 200 metres world records?

Bird - II

He was beautiful and attractive. The Bird that I've Loved so much for his innocence. He came near to me and expressed his pain.  Pain throughout his body and soul.  He could barely move his body, helplessly in pain. I could sense his agony through his utterly action. While he was lure in pain, I took advantage over and took this shot. To remember, to share the pain and to love aptly. SHOOTING DETAILS: F/stop: f/6.3 Exposure time: 1/640sec ISO speed: 640 Focal length: 250mm White balance: Manual Date: 04/09/2016 Time: 6:52AM Bird: zhemgang, 2016

Photography GUN - II

Who can Gift me this Great GUN on my ' 28th Happy Birthday ’, that falls on 15th March of every year. But it would be too expensive to Gift one during his/her birthday. What I can do now is simply blackmail -   Donald Trump   to Gift me one saying I'm his keen followers, supporter and probably an Idol.   It is the longest ever telephoto lens to shoot a long, long range objects without one going closer. If I wanted to buy or earn one of this lens I needed to sell some portion of my land. Which for no doubt my father would lash me off before this news gets into his ear. For having born with some Idiot thoughts. I am here just to dream and dream - longing after longing for the longer lens.  Checkout this almost 3ft/1m long Nikon 1200mm Nikkor-P.C f/11 lens (with AU-1 focusing unit)   Currently listed on eBay for $5,750 .  Only   359   pieces were produced.  Nikon 1200mm f/11 lens Dream - I ...

Photography Gun

When time favors I wanted to earn some better photography gears. If you have a passion for photography or an amateur photographer like me can only get inspiration though mere photographs online – portrait and landscape.  Although, I know even the simplest gun can also serves its purpose of shooting the images but not like the longer gears while shooting for some flying objects or long range/distance objects. It can never give a fine images as we desires and likes for with simple and short range photography gears. I know what it is to be a good photographer - it is not an easy task, it takes lots of perseverance, hard work and check patience. I assure myself that the gears and an apt practices are the key elements to better shots in photography world. So, here comes some of my loved and desired GUNs, the guns that I am crazy for so many years and so many times. But, when and how??? Gear I - The most Loved Gear II - The most desired


The shot in the air, the shot on the branch and the shot on focus is exactly what had happened with this Bird shooting. Taking forward to bird shooting is extremely hard and time consuming activities. It requires lots of patience and focus every time we get to shoot a Bird.  Indeed, this is a beautiful bird that I've seen basking on the tree branch near my place. It looks more focused to hunting and flying away to more safe place. But, before it goes out off my view I got this shot more amazingly than I desire it to be. 15.6.2016

My Concept Of Central School

Everyone felt happy in the beginning with the inception of central school idea and few happy moment to those who've been profited. Whereas, it was not so pleasing for some – students, teachers and parents. My concept of central school is different. Different in the sense, I want it to be a  'MODEL SCHOOL' . Why can't we merge the same idea into a 'Model School' with better policies, correct curriculum, best teachers and facilities in places? Here I'm not to aver among students but to put a sense of competition and the values of education. According to our present population and the school going child ratio it is not necessary to earn many central school in a dzongkhag. Let us plan for less, better and reliable school for sustainable Bhutan. How far shall we wait for  'DONATION'  after  'DONATION'  just to run our system of education or any other offices or are we just for donor driven system to be in place?  What if...

Little Creature

Lets save this little creatures as much as we love and safe ourselves. It is same a human-being in many ways.  I've aptly loved this little creatures from the time memorial. I've fallen in love for its great color or pattern combination.  I've fallen in love for its little dancing in the air. I usually wanted to be like any one of them; send my message to my dear parents over the clouds.  Let us save this to safe environment to continue food chain or survival.   12.6.2016 12.6.2016 12.6.2016

Marriage Pie

When every women desires to have a baby and a family, however for some Pakistani women the story is different? I've seen many parents adopting someone's child as their own when they can't have their own due to some 'Gene Defect' and some even go to an extend of having baby through artificial means.  When mother has given life to her child, she is also ever ready to take away the life of her own child.  Despite any circumstances, everyone deserve equal shares of freedom and right to enjoy his or her life. However, for a Pakistani girl the right is not at her hand. A girl who'd married recently without her parent's consent was tortured, doused with fuel and burnt alive. What a selfish act from her own mother? Once a lovely child, then a nuisance and destined to be burnt alive by her own Mother.     Why a mother can't understand her daughter's feelings over her personal choice of marriage or a partner, where she too had gone thro...

The Quality of a Good Teacher

Image With the late introduction of twenty-first century's teaching pedagogy into classroom use, our student wanted their teachers to be with the best quality - physically and mentally. The main aims of introduction of this latest strategy is not to deem our teachers and students rather it is to make our education system more firm, reciprocate and better. It is good to have a supportive parents and good curriculum for better education. But, more importantly it's far better to have a quality and well set-up teachers in place to deliver the subject matters and that is how we called it 'a education'. A good teacher is the one who - let his/her students play games and insist to share some educational jokes, respect his/her students, comes on time and teach well, gives short notes, beat students when they fail to do work on time, teaches through the use of ICT, takes students in different places for learning, never hurt students physically...

When Shall I ?

When shall I be like them?  When shall a time come for me to earn one like them? When shall I go more into wild to explore the beauty of nature? When shall I become like them - professional?  When shall I say I did a big job that makes me happy? When shall I go out for a date here with this gadgets? Who shall understand that I love photography world more than any? Who shall give me some fund to get one like them? Its a Mystery! How shall I get this kind of open photography? How shall I find a time to get this kind? How shall I preserve this beauty that never fades?

His Majesty graces 3rd convocation of Paro and Samtse Colleges of Education: 18th feb 2009

King Of Bhutan: King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck Educating our people is the first step to fulfilling the aspirations as a nation. Just providing free education alone is not enough. Speaking to the graduates, His Majesty said it is also important to provide education with quality that will guarantee a distinguished place for the youth anywhere in the world.  His Majesty the King said standards must be set in schools. His Majesty said how we address the quality of education now will determine whether we will build strong young citizens who will ensure a long bright future for the nation or fail and confine such a large number of our young children and their children to generations of hardship and struggle. About 500 teacher graduates from the two colleges of education every year but still there is a serious teacher shortage. To meet the gap, the Royal University of Bhutan has been increasing the intake by 15% every year. There are also plans to establish new teacher c...

Water - The Unquestionable Element

One of the precious gift of the nature, a basic component for the survival of every living creatures on earth is water. A combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen makes water molecule which support trillions of life on Earth. Water in general can be define as 'a source of life'. Management on the other hand can simply be defined as - a method or the process of preserving and protecting water for future generation which can collectively help us to maintain sustainability of water. Over the years, with modernization and human revolution, safety of water is becoming extremely questionable. Although, around one-third of Earth is covered by water, over the period of time severity of water is becoming prominent features in the world. Expansion of human activity such as establishment of mega manufacturing plant and agriculture activities - road construction further exaggerated the life of clean drinking water, which in return bring about massi...

Remembering Social Forestry Day – 2nd June

As a nature lover the most awaited day for the year is the 2 nd June, substantial in many ways. This is a day to pay back our homage for the Mother Earth by giving back what we have consumed for centuries for survival.   Great Monarch - King Jigme Singye Wangchuck The Social Forestry Day in Bhutan was launched under the wise leadership of Fourth Druk Gyalpo in 1979, with the aim to protect and to promote our natural environment same throughout the generations.   On this special day, I would never forget my great and visionary king – King Jigme Singye Wangchuck - A Global Champion of Earth for his inordinate idea of preserving nature. It is also a day for every Bhutanese citizens to think and realize on how important it is to nurture a tree. It was exactly on this day - eighteen years before, my teacher taught me to plant a tree, imparted a sense of how single tree plays its role in the society and to preserve our environment for our children. It was on this ...