Take-home message from Chhokhor_Tang (Bumthang) general election public debate
As Bhutan gears up for the third general round of elections, we can see so many political glitches. There are numerous attacks for both the candidates and the party by other party representatives and fellow Bhutanese citizens. But, the more severe was between the two different party candidates when they were on live tv programs. Like any other constituencies the Chhokhor_Tang general election public debate between former Journalist Dawa and DPT incumbent Pema Gyamtsho has surprised me more. Although they come from the same blood, I never thought they would be this polite to each other because they represent two different political parties. Like in Bumthang, other Dzongkhags also have similar family members taking part in elections from different parties but never was like DNT Dawa and DPT Pema Gyamtsho. Both are fighting to win the political race with their own party motto and pledges. To me the debate between them was very lively. At any point of the debate, I did not feel l...