Common Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
Common Hoopoe preparing to take off . Pic: August 2017 Bhutan is perhaps a paradise for both birds and bird lovers. However, the ongoing developmental activities are seriously posing danger not only to some weather sensitive birds but also to some other wildlife. Hoopoes are very colorful birds and found across Africa, Europe, and East-Asia. These birds are known for their spiky crown feathers at the top of their heads; making them look a bit unique yet special. They are actually named after the sound of their own call. It has a very pleasant and soft call of its name ( hoo…po…po… ). Their name is a combination of the Latin " upupa" and the Ancient Greek " epops" , that basically resembles for its fan-like crest and a sound it produces. Although these birds are not globally considered as endangered, their population is found to be declining world-wide due to decline in their natural habitat, increasing human settlements, and pollution. On the other hand...