
Showing posts from February, 2020

Where Are We Failing?

Things are changing rapidly. Technology at its best. Economy expanding like no other times. Deadliest virus keeps attacking humans and fancy cars on the road. Therefore, it is not surprising to see our society changing as time passed by.  However, our new generation is so well integrated with all these changes.    It is a matter of time. However, as a small nation we are failing somehow for so long. Some knots are seemingly loose. Maybe we are too complacent and do not hurt others. These were good in those olden days.    The behavior and attitude of our youngsters are changing and seen as danger for the future. I feel we are failing in good parenting. But, good parenting isn’t all about a lavish financial support to spending holiday abroad, taking out for a dinner to hanging out with phones whole night to letting them sleep until noon.  It is –beyond that call.    Poor parenting leads to a poor society. Youth with poor work ethics led ...

Coronavirus has Shaken the World

Not long ago the news hit with the Coronavirus case in Wuhan city of China. Alarmingly death rolled to 362, and 17,373 were infected with the virus globally. Also more than 20 countries were currently affected by this virus. Therefore, it is a very tense moment for all of us. With such new disease in the easy market these days, I am worried I may not get a beautiful burial like my grandpa had, who died peacefully with old-age and got dignified death rites. Thus, this virus is fearsome to all of us. Therefore, we must prepare together and wisely, otherwise, everyone's death would be together like a  Titanic Death .  January month was declared as Coronavirus Global Health Emergency Call.  However, some expert's words have kept us alive since the outbreak of this virus. They are constantly working out for the possible medicine/vaccine to fight back this epidemic.  We are happy to know Bhutan, a small country led by a Medical Doctor is well equipped not only ment...