
Showing posts from October, 2022

Have Our Private Schools Done Enough - Some Serious Questions

Education is considered as the heart of any nation. Therefore, a progressive nations look at education from a very different angle and give it the due importance it deserves.    The news by some media about private schools shutting their doors for higher secondary admission from next academic year is not good news for all of us. T he way our private owners giving up their education business established with much sacrifice is not the ultimate solution.  Though a heart-breaking news, I can still see an ample chance to prove themselves worthy. For they have come this far, instead of feeling defeated, they should prove by setting their new standard, which can bring them more fortune and their business can easily be timeless.   A huge number of young children being forced out of Bhutanese education system simply indicates  our schools are not doing enough. Therefore, many elite parents who think the importance of education send their kids to performing International ...

IELTS – And – Me

Of late, Australia has become one of the easy destinations not only for educated but also for uneducated one. Therefore, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) has become a lifeline for aspiring individual.  However, to me I never dreamt beyond this nation –I would like to be honest and work for this nation that has given me so much peace and happiness, including free education and medicare. Likewise, I would like to serve His Majesty and this nation with utmost dedication and integrity. For the longest time, my mind was never beyond the call of national interest.    However, recently I was motivated to take this test along with hundreds others who are wishing for foreign dream. Initially, it came just that I really wanted to challenge myself and check my English status because it is required for every small task and all.   I just wanted to try and raise my bar in this area because English is required in all spheres of life.  Like any oth...

Zero Waste Bhutan APP and Bhutanese

Source: google With an online app and reporting system, there is a little hope and probably a last chance to realise waste and littering issues to fix. We must fix this issue at the earliest, more wholesomely than ever.   What does it mean by this online waste app? Did we fail to keep our surrounding litter-free? Does it talk about our poor waste discipline? Where have we gone wrong in this mission?   I have always been one of the avid advocates and social workers in this field for so long. One thing that so much that gripped me for the longest time is the work of waste, which I did so sincerely and wholeheartedly for the nation and most of us think that this is not a serious matter to discuss and many think that this issue can be solved on its own, which is wrong. I have never found this program to be effective and successful even with our educated section of society. Therefore, over the years, I lose my faith in the waste management campaign program taken up by different ind...

Chubachu-Jungshina Expressway—Is it a Dead End

The recently opened  Chubachu-Jungshina  expressway in Thimphu has become cause of a concern for various reasons. Initially, this road had picked a hard turn especially for North-Thimphu residents, offices, and schools. Perhaps, what I thought from miles away was that it's an opportunity to showcase our engineering piece, however, traffic diversion has caused palpable congestion and other inconveniences. Then came little happiness upon seeing the shaping of roads but only to find unlimited obligation –one common concern is for the over-speeding! The reasons for over-speeding could be due to smoothness and wide space. The other reasons could be the only pothole-free roads to showcase a driving test. Maybe for these reasons, this highway picked up news for over-speeding, accidents, hitting and wrong turns. Nevertheless, manual monitoring can not only become disaster for extended period of time but also taxing and expensive.  Why do we need to man this road involvi...