
Showing posts from August, 2014

The Red House

The Red House I salute for the modest appearances you transpire to appear now in front of all. I now realized how you transpire my hopes and dreams into reality. Today, as I toil on your advents looks – Information centre , Finally, I could find a new beginning each day. With it, I became much relaxed with life realm. It was my long-time dream to make you appear beautiful in front of all. It was my long-time works, hopes and reveries to make you appear in human empire, as point of references, point of attraction for each person that passes by your sides. In fact, to transfigure into decent romance red house and info centre.  Designing period As a teacher, I always labour for the well-being of my beloved students and for my school as a whole. When the sun rays falls upon the hill side and then, lately upon you - my red house, the glory of happiness deep inside me and my GNH country Bhutan is afar any mission. The life I had given to you is all about contemporary era yet ...

Extraordinary garments

The Oxford dictionary meaning for underwear is ‘the cloth worn next to the skin, under other clothes’. The undergarment comes in many forms - underwear, waist, bra and small panties for both men and women. These wears really save external dresses from being stained by bodily secretions, discharges and even keeps our body in proper shape. In cold weather, long underwear is sometimes worn to provide special warmness. Special types of undergarments have submissive importance in daily proceedings. Some items of clothing are designed only for wearing as undergarments, while like T-shirts, shirts and other shorts provide dual utilities - underwear as well as outfit clothing’s.  Special piece of cloth.     Source: Today, because of all modernized technologies in place had made life much special, starting from getting smallest and cheapest to biggest and expensive things. Now, I am particularly sharing the life extent of inevitable underwear for al...

I owe your thoughts - Brave Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai was born on 12 th July, 1997 to a Muslim family in Pakistan. In their dogmas her name has great significance. From very young age, she was said to be wise, against violence, decent and honest in manners. Her schooling has started all over with the aim to become a doctor.  Malala speaking for the World                  Source: She was brought up with all right thoughts and with all the human values in place. Although, she really was young yet, she came-up with a voice against all Pakistani girl to have proper education. She fought for the right education of every child of the country. She stands up for herself and other girls for the need of education. She used national and international media to let the world know girls should also need schooling. She wants right protocol in place for the rights of every girl.  For which she became an immediate victim t...

My favourite show

Rowan Atkinson (Mr.Bean) has the mysterious ability to make people laugh without saying a word. His body language and facial expressions are wonderful. Very few people in the history of comedy have unique talents like him. When I was a little boy I saw Mr. Bean showing all of his funniest gesture. Starting that moment, I started liking him so much. Whenever, his show was being aired on TV. I usually do not feel like missing it. Besides, almost every time I was hooked in his funny expressions and gestures. Mr.Bean as baby boy! The one of the comical shows I had ever watched was when Mr. Bean was acting as a kid in a grown-ups body. He tried a lot of uncommon things that would get him into bad situations. He tried things that wouldn't embarrass him but seemed to be so peculiar. But at the end Mr. Bean found out something else since the guy he acted was visionless. At this point, everything would have boiled beyond zero centigrade deep down inside Bean’s heart. Still, ...

The wise footsteps

If reading and writing becomes the part of daily learning’s, it is not impossible to become a writer. Likewise, it's not a new thing to take up writings as a part of everyday learning at school. Knowing, everyone has born with unfilled brain. Yet, we are accustomed with insecurity feelings for writings. At the same time, it is not wise to judge or down-look oneself before proceeding into writings. So, that makes us feel, we are not born gifted. In fact, we are born with boundless talents in placed. Ask any writer whether they read or not. For sure, the response would be positive. Since, every writer’s journey begins with readings - newspapers, magazines, journals, on-line blogs, books etc... One can write only through readings. Otherwise, the world to become an author would remain in dreams. Simply, having done with many writings, one can best cherish the moments of humankind. Moreover, through writings one can easily express the sincere feelings, difficult times and sh...

Home coming note

I am going home riding my little DOG I don’t trust this twenty-first century so much as the times of my grand-parents. Those times were enjoyable and great in many ways. I am sure those times would remain paramount for me. Those times can’t be ancillary with any super-discoveries. Even no greatest historian can tell those times better than the clock in itself. Thus, nothing would describe primordial life and impulses.   Every existence on this planet had done the finest discoveries to comfort life however; I am not so pleased with it - advancement and findings. Since, everything comes along with enormous defies. Now, I am totally drained out with urban life. Perhaps, no money no urbanization is merely becoming a mission for millions these days. I think many Bhutanese are of the views; living in twenty-first century is everything without comprehending the outgoing cost. Living in town with all the ease life style is just for few people of higher status. To them life ...

Beautiful seconds

From my mobile to on-line Times at CST-2013 Times at ZHSS-2013 Times at ZHSS -2013 Times at Thimphu-2014

Biology beyond classroom

Learning is inevitable everyday activities throughout one’s life. There’s no place on planet where learning is impossible. Learning takes place everywhere, in anyway, anyhow and in any form. By knowing these facts, I consider learning takes place even in doing bad proceedings that happens to one’s life. I believed learning is everyday outfits, which makes one’s life to precede further otherwise, world would modestly come to an end with tiny thoughts.  A biology subject teaches about plants and animal’s life, its functions in the society and its reality. So, for the hunt of more practical knowledge on raring of Mithuen (hybrid animal, similar to cattle), class twelve bio-science students, subject teacher along with few teachers headed to a place called Dungbi a best known place for rearing of Mithuen.  Mithuens in active hours After reaching to the place we were warmly received by one of the person in-charge. Firstly, we introduced each other and stated about o...