
Showing posts from September, 2014

Teaching equals to null vector

We are living in the Buddhist nation with much valued life. The education is measured to be the main source of livelihood. Education has greatly changed every survival. Thus, we are no longer the same as before.  Teaching part                 Source: To this fact, I guess all the teachers have toiled so hard yet the changes are not enough and society is not so pleased. Similarly, every life has become more celebrating. I could sense the festivity into this world much compare to past. All the beautiful things had happened now. But, who would thank all those teachers for the worldly changes? Teaching has done so much from giving love to sharing experiences and letting every citizen grow into a beautiful beings. Still, all the humanity is against each teaching.  With all the meaningful teachings in school, countless life has turn into productive and beautiful beings. Yet, ...

Hats off for you - My Father

Dearest Father               Source: Oxford dictionary defines a father as - " a male parent for a child or a first man to introduce a new way of thinking about life" .  At this stand everyone talks about their own mother so much. Love for a mother in the world today is beyond its hold and meanings. But, I have hardly seen anybody talking about father. Its sad to see - "love for all father is not in anyone’s mind". For sure, many of us still didn’t bother about the life of a father, the meaning and the actual hardship he carries in his heart.  For me - my father and in fact, all the fathers of the world are equally important as a mother. Since, father is the one who introduce all existence on this planet. Otherwise, life won’t be possible in any best reasons. And here my point is not to mislead between - father and mother. I could feel both father and mother endures all the same re...

School activities

Wall magazine for Reading week               Photo: Sancha Wall magazine by class X C                        photo: Sancha Wall magazine by XII Sci A                          Photo: Sancha Design inside by class XII sci A                   Photo: sancha Learning Drig-lam Namza                             photo: sancha Learning by all                                             photo: Sancha ZHSS family for Reading week   ...

Smile at Counter Number Two!

Times to check unsure smile...   Source: google How expensive is your smile – one dollar or two, whatever? So, is mine. How many of us exchange our little smile to a stranger or to an unknown face? While many of us still negate to smile for self, forget about smiling to others. Honestly, can we smile like the man at  Counter Number Two ? Hardly had I reached the bank counter when he smiled at me. It's no surprise to a Gross National Happiness country to have such smiley face but how many of us can do it earnestly like him. However, looking at his broad smiley face he seemed far too friendly, ready to help in need are the direct facial clinch I could draw as a bank customer. When everyone is busy in their own business he can do that so easily. When everyone is so rude at the same counter he can license out his smile and that is all what made him great and what made me express my feelings on his big smile.    One should learn a ...

Heavenly blessed beauty

It seems to me that you are truly the first being that the planet has ever received. Your birth date was complete significance than any, the time was prized and the atmosphere was serene when you have entered into this life. Nevertheless, world is firm enough to hold your beauty. It is not so hard today to believe about extraordinary beauty of life. It would ensue to all beings but with rightful fundamentals in place. As I believe all beauty comes from the land and with its own purpose. Perhaps! to reconcile different times.  I, now pronounce the amazing life of a tiny cat. It is simply beautiful than any other creatures. I believe it is more of social animal like human beings. This creature in particular is more intelligent, more responsible, kinder, more generous, more humble and more dutiful than many human beings on planet. It’s one of my amiable creatures for entire times in living history. This little being, I believe was a direct gift from a God to subdue the tiny c...

Phone to Web

View of ZHSS assembly plot (2014)                  sancha rai Times with my nature (2013)                 sancha rai Best second (2013)   Secret view of ZHSS (2013)  Sancha Rai View of ZHSS (2013)    

Read Zhemgang HSS

I ruminate reading is the mother for every education. For all, if reading becomes the first cradle of learning, no doubt world would become best place to rest in. Likewise, life would furthermore become best to remember and cherish for endless era.  10 minutes assembly reading With many kind and awaited greetings, September started with packed fertile responsibility for Zhemgang family. Reading is not the first word to define here but reading for many seems to be the hardest tasks to start life’s learning. Of all, reading is what most of our Bhutanese don’t care much and that is what we are lacking far late. So, to develop reading habits, Reading week all over schools in Bhutan observed once in every year and no exception for Zhemgang HSS.  To promote healthy reading habits and to train every single mind on significance of reading, 1 st to 8 th of September, Zhemgang HSS is observing and celebrating a reading week with much enthusiasm. For reading week there...