Why do I need exam?

source : Google.com Is it only to get pass? Then the main motive behind appearing an exam becomes less pronounced. I think it’s more than the stated objective above. As, I always believe it’s a license needed for each life processing. Where, without it we might become invalid in any fields. For me, appearing an exam is more than the exam. For sure - it is to get passed, get good results, promote to higher classes, to get good jobs and to check the level of subject understanding at school. At the same stand, we use exam for bad reasons sometimes, which is not sounding good for small country like Bhutan. As per my experiences before, many of us think exam is just to exam the subject at the end of each semester or each term. So, at the end of each exam, we forget learned information completely. I must say we become empty the next moment like puts (a famous Indian dish). We leave behind every leaning along with the paper. Then, the main purpose of education is...