
Showing posts from October, 2014

Why do I need exam?

source : Is it only to get pass? Then the main motive behind appearing an exam becomes less pronounced. I think it’s more than the stated objective above. As, I always believe it’s a license needed for each life processing. Where, without it we might become invalid in any fields. For me, appearing an exam is more than the exam. For sure - it is to get passed, get good results, promote to higher classes, to get good jobs and to check the level of subject understanding at school. At the same stand, we use exam for bad reasons sometimes, which is not sounding good for small country like Bhutan. As per my experiences before, many of us think exam is just to exam the subject at the end of each semester or each term. So, at the end of each exam, we forget learned information completely. I must say we become empty the next moment like puts (a famous Indian dish). We leave behind every leaning along with the paper. Then, the main purpose of education is...

Mid-night encounter

The freezing winter night at pelela top was hard to stand. It was  almost mid-night, when the car man and his baby wandering stopped nearby our camp. Today only, I have understood why he had stopped his car? - in the hope of that deem light.  That historic night still lingers in my memory and reflecting of that frosty moonlit night awakes me alive all times. It’s no exception for me surviving through that icy night. No sooner did he stop his car than, we'd rushed towards him thinking some emergency. We felt little uncomfortable yet, for good reasons we advanced and approached him in a decent manners. Initially, my friends have treated him not so generously.  Yet, some moment later, he had shared his whole story in a painful tone holding his baby around his arm, "like one utters a self-evident truth". He said his wife had died soon after his baby’s birth. With this - he had remained quiet for a while, which gave me a clear message of his painful sufferings....

Ebola the next threatening call for BHUTAN

The latest update on Ebola virus sweeping across the African region was not so pleasing to hear. I could see every news corner highlighting on Ebola virus that has already taken many lives. The expert have claimed this virus is more, deadlier than HIV/AIDS virus.   Well, at the same time, it’s sad to know this virus has higher risk of spreading to other regions if it’s not taken into account immediately. However, the good news is that - WHO is trying their best to stop this virus going further. And we can never assure - one day Bhutan might become victim to this virus. Therefore, every concern individual needs to be more watchful. So, till date the growing rate of population is never compromised. With this population growth, we need to be more careful with some of the terrifying diseases that might come any time. Perhaps, my belief on recent coming of different life threatening diseases is all because of this growing population. At times, growing population itself is a ris...

Fete day- a new happenings in zhemgang

source: Pelden nima 11:10:2014 - was a day like no other days in my life. The day that had bonded  school and the local community better than any other such occasions. The main objective behind coming up with this idea was to promote community vitality as being one of the autonomous schools. Even,it taught every individual to showcase their talent in many ways. Similarly, it was no exception for me, my class and to rest of the staffs and students.  Perhaps - it was a delighted moment for all of us with many ambitious hope.  Thousands of people from dzongkhag and nearby locality have gathered at the Zhemgang HSS ground to be the part of the day’s celebration. Around 9:00 am Dasho Dzongda, graced the opening of the day’s celebration through notable speeches. He had also briefly highlighted on great start on move for health by former health cum education minister lyanpo Sangay Nidup and the importance of our individual health because it was the s...

Inflation rate - not happy game

I t won’t surprise our people to get news font-line on inflation rate that are happening round the clock and its even becoming talk of the town. It is not a new updates. But, the very recent inflation rate was beyond imagination to many.  Perhaps- for civil servant recent pay review is not even equals to meet the recent inflation rate. Since, the rate of every commodities is never been compromised. Rather, it seemed to accelerate in complex. Is it, what Bhutanese are born to face in this century? source: As soon as the news derives about the inflation rate for commodities, many of us needed to empty their little incomes. The news on inflation rate is never been a good news for many livelihoods and no exception for me today.   The inflation rate that was highest in the month of July soon after the pay review for the civil servants was something unexpected. In fact, the news broad-casted was not an impressive one. Since, the little income done by the ...

Special sunset

Image  The everyday's activity is ends by the final bell for all teachers. Similarly - no exception for me now. As soon as the final bell goes, I take a deep breathe to mark the end of the day. With all the good thoughts, I consent my workplace with the hope to return back safe.  Well, usually I journeyed back to my place in complete tiredness. I could feel the total exhaust with day’s work at school. Normally, I conclude my work to be so decent because teacher teaches all the good values.            On one special instance back to my way - I could see the very clear sundown setting behind lovely mountains afar to my reach. The time was different; every moment the second passes by, each moment it’s leaving us afar. Leaving every existence behind in darkness and making world older by one day. Sun going behind the mountains is a common routine. But, rest and think about the ruining of the world and the intact being....

But one day

Image source: It won’t be a surprise here to lease all my rational. One day - when I was listening to a sentimental songs on my laptop. In fact, my best songs genre was already on air within my edge. I could just think within my works along with the songs. That time was hard to understand. Since, some of the songs clearly stated, the day is closing so fast without any notice and after all life is all empty. I was into it for so much. The world is departing hereafter.  I have acquired a greater understanding of this world - one day this very time would die in nonbeing. At the same time I have learned to contemplate the events of life with serenity and not to let myself flung in emptiness.  At the same time, it’s hard to memory the past life for proceedings into new world each moment. I am a kind of person who normally follows all the basic principles of life. Life for me is complete beings that need to obey all the continuity. As a good human being- I h...

Human body: the most taxing machine

Source:  Indeed - human body has many special things to offer. At the same time, it takes back certain. So, it’s a modest machine that works for the survival of this world. With not much difference, my body is no exception here. Working so hard for this worldly existence -but, sometime I wonder how my life would close. So, to this fact – I heard many people making a kinder statement about life.   In all, I believe life would be a definite emptiness. Yet, we never thought of leaving behind any work undone for life proceedings.  Source: The human body is a collection of numerous organs; it holds most complicated and expensive system within it. It might be hurt with slightest error. But, it has the highest ability to create greatest and most craved things for the world. I cannot fancy the human creation – most complicated computing system, super thinking machine, flying machine, network that can easily track any latest happenings and fault ...