
Showing posts from 2015

New Year Memo

As said 'begin well to end well', and for many I am sure the deadlock would be to brake on bad habits and to begin a new life but to those who all have been into the path would be a challenging one but it won't be a difficult gateway if given a try. As we know we can't cry over the spill milk so is the case for the bygone years. We can't in any form bring back any instances from the past but at least we can relay and refine it other way. We can only volte-face and realize about it. So, for me 2015 is something special because I've done many great things that is likely to shape soon. Perhaps, to be focus my marriage is never a repudiating truth for the year and I kept all my promise in it. While many as I know would be eagerly waiting for New Year party to begin, young hearts looking the clock to ring twelve for a dates and some to promise for New Resolution but I've dedicated myself to sacrifice to update an article in my blog since it do not ...


For a Love of a Mother!

The Secret Behind Tourism

Isn't it a tensing moment when we hear on 'Sex Tourism, an emerging vulnerability' for a small Himalayan kingdom? I am honestly confused why this kind of life culture which is not supposed to take place is on rise, on demand all around. Is it simply for the income or for the survival or simply for the kinds? So, if these activities going to place then let’s not say we're the only Buddhist nation, survived without any external social customs. By looking at the facts mentioned I'm little hanged on 'how Bhutan would be just in few years of time from now'.  According to the survey released on 'Sex Tourism' Bhutan had faced several instances where many are into sex offerings business. Although we become too much  dependent on  western life style yet it is not a wise step that country like ours can take part in such activities. Therefore, if this continues to happen the future of our country will be at threat.   As it was very ...



Photography - I


Present Heroes: The Person I'M Close To

Dalai Lama: World Peace-Keeper Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook inc, Chief Executive  Lionel Messi: Football, best player (Left leg) Barack Hussien Obama: US, President and Writer Stephen Hawking: Greatest Scientist of 21st century (Paralyzed) Malala Yousafzai: Nobel Peace Winner (2014), (still a student)


The Facebook - one of the  most visited public pages that requires no age limit to hang around has become a place for all people to depot their grievances by uploading all sorts of off scenes human activities by creating false identity. This page is being over used, used like a dustbin, put to a point of beyond views by posting all sorts of posts. My feeling on this page is something different. For me this page is a bit that should function as it is meant for but most of the time it's never functioning the way it is for. This site in particular should provide a platform for better and more social interactions with friends, sharing information's and to get freed of some stressful works instead we see more like cyber-attack to one another. As I've seen most of the time it is being misused by uploading some of the obscene post which shouldn't be shared in public. I'm not sure where it is actually coming from, the fact is so much concealed that even the pe...

Toilet Habits

Today as we stand we find ourselves more magnificent and refined society, a society that has everything intact. But, as long as the entire stretch of time Bhutan do not have any good and healthy toilet habits. The most people are interested in clean toilets and it's no exception for Khengpas. Although this place is far left place yet people around are well aware of 'the importance of Toilets'. The only public toilet we'll find in zhemgang is below the main town; few meters away from vegetable markets. Anyone can use this toilet free but as a responsible citizen we need to flash down one’s own waste with water while making a visit.   In Bhutan, toilet habits seemed to be the poorest of all the habits. As, it was passed down from a very ancient time, from our grandparents in using forest, bushes, stone tops and dead logs and so on as a toilets. We never think of replacing our toilets with better water supply, flash system and resting pot. We only think off ...

New Kids, New Style


This November

This November, I remain so deep to wish  His Majesty the Forth Druk Gyalpo; Jigme Singye Wangchuck;  A happy 60th Birth Anniversary. I wish him for his ever Successful and long Live. Thank you, your Majesty ever . 

Golden Words Of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck

King Jigme Singye Wangchuck " particular, speaking for myself; my sorrow in having lost my own father is indeed very great. What is more the country has lost a king whose kind has till now never been known..."                                                                ( Royal proclamation to the people of Bhutan, July 26, 1972)                                      " far as you, my people, are concerned, you should not adopt the attitude that whatever is required to be done for your welfare will be done entirely by the government. On the contrary, a little effort on your part will be much more effective than a great deal of eff...

One Last Chance

What would I do, if I'd one last day to live?   I know it is short yet within twenty - four hours; I can create and do so many wonderful and lasting works than ever, twenty-four hours on… I'd get up in the early morning, because I know this hour of the day has so many beautiful and lasting things to offer than any other part of the day. I'll check some fine scene for photographs. I will sup few cups of hot water and go out for some rest. Then, I'll do all the exercises and have a lovely, light breakfast of some vegetables, fruits, salad and green tea, go for a swim, photograph again, then have my friends come over for a nice lunch. I'd expect to have them come few (i.e. one or two) at a time so that we could talk about the families, the issues, talk about how much we mean to each other. Even, we can also talk little on the importance of living a life for all times and life after death, in fact more philosophic. Since, individual history lives after dea...

Fate Of a Teacher III

source: Google We feel so proud to say 'a highly qualified GNH bound country, have high level empathy and compassionate minds'. But, honestly how many would have felt repentant when the news headline is on 'allegation for teachers or teacher fined and jailed for using some punishments'.    Teachers are not like God, not a supernatural being who can bring all surprises within and turn over miracles. Teachers try hard, check all the best possible ways and then educate and nurture raw minds yet we see many dissatisfaction's  and the feeling of anarchy is in fact ruining the working heart of our teachers across the country. Why everybody is snubbing to invest in education? The laws being not so straighten and not being put into use rightly, more profound and more content, when the education is felt necessary, education is in fact more than the double salts.   Everyone talks so hard, so much on education, felt prominence but why can't our peop...

Gift From Youth Festival II

Note : Our school boys trying to be in Aatsara's shoe.  It was done greatly and performed so well.

6:09 AM

As said 'early bird catches the worm' so is this mountains scene.  In fact, this is truly a morning bout I had. The quiet and the patience mountain sides dipped inside the sea of the brisk morning light that catches my eyes and the lens so dearly. In the midst of onset winter these mountains would be inside   thick blanket  of snow. Perhaps, if we can open early as possible there isn't doubt for such solicitous scene. So, endurance is what we should have in 'The world of photography'

Bhutanese Version Of Messi

Literary, the Jersey Number 10 has so many meanings and imprint  because it's meant for great, wore by 'L. Messi'. Psychologically, it shows perfectness, cool and attractive. Messi Bhutanese Version Of Messi

As Simple As This...

Continuation to Dangkhar Community Lodge... source:google Honestly, how many of us have planned honeymoon, holiday trips and pilgrimage destination within Bhutan?  So, before landscape and the beauty of the land comes into our mind we start to dream, plan, think and look for a panoramic view of other countries, without realizing our own country's potential. Here in Bhutan, we've already some of the untouched, unreasoned and unseen places that no other land has today. Here we've some of the very original or natural ancient monuments and precious gems which no other country possesses. But, still why we planned for holiday trips and honeymoon destination outside? What if we can plan a holiday trips, a pilgrim in some of the secret and most holy places here rather than looking for short term happiness outside, where there is already a high risk of getting into trouble and being hacked. Perhaps, planning leisure destination some where within, o...

Dangkhar Community Lodge

Zhemgang, to most people appears to be unknown and one of the most under-developed Dzongkhag in Bhutan, but if one pay a visit and see around one would undeniably find so many beautiful and un-touched souvenirs. Although, Zhemgang is being considered as one of the remote place yet it has its own uniqueness in culture and tradition. It is culturally preserved and traditionally rich in every aspect. Once if you are in Zhemgang you would indeed texture better and purer air, fresh water with high mineral content, unique landscape and the serene and a composed nature with rich diverse animals and plants. Perhaps, this is particularly 'a best' Zhemgang can offer to anyone who feels like to experience the differences that no other land can offer.   Note : Anyone can book this well preserved, traditional lodge that belongs to Dangkhar Community; it's approximately 2.0 km away from Zhemgang Town. article: coming soon...

Digital Confusion

It seems to me that these two worlds of mine represents extreme in many ways, 'extreme individualism and preservation of extreme societal norms'. So, I belong to extreme individualism of social networking era and my parents sphere to other side of extreme societal norms and culture. The world has changed so much and so fast because of many smart minds but to more and more confusion. In the midst of changing, my parents have seen both the world so clearly, sometime they narrate me some of the uniqueness they've during their times and some rapid changes ensued today into unbelievable level.    source:google Honestly, my parents know very less of modern world – mobile phone, computer, robot etc, etc. Since, during their times there isn't any digital facilities like today because of which they know very, very less of it yet they feels satisfied and contented with the life. They know only on how to make a call that too through looking at some inbuilt...