
Showing posts from April, 2015

Fate Of A Mother

I am totally confused and deeply rooted when I see every mother ‘so loving, so caring, so gentle and so faithful’. I may have sound little bigoted to those who do not have received/felt the motherhood or word to utter ‘mom/mamma’ in life. But, all I believe is fate takes every chance of life to be great or blessed.   Photo courtesy: Wandering Eric (Facebook) Perhaps, today all my thought is under attack by looking at the image posted in ‘Facebook’ by ‘ Wandering Eric’  on 21st, April, 2015. It’s simply brilliant and it truly had touched my heart. I’m forced to express my outlooks about a mother carrying her little child inside that basket. The ‘photograph and the photographer’, has become my point of allusion, it’s just perfect'. His series of images that center normally from rural life style makes me experience many beautiful things that belong to this world.  Mother’s love in the image clearly showed that her love was well enclosed, well d...

The Heart First

Often, I can overhear many miss-conducts happenings around and I'm sure our youth are the one behind it. What is still lacking in our education? Is our education system not making profound root in taming the heart of our youth? It's simply an ironic to believe but it's the honest fact that is rampaging time to time these days. Is it enough to possess all this in the name of twenty-first century's change?  But, here everyone is after the rightful education, superior human circle and better life. Perhaps, every parents wanted their child to be tamed, instilled each values properly at school when their response are not even positive. Who is really serious of the requirements today? As I could see teachers and the school is the ultimate place to deposit those bad hangings. It’s sad to see many parents going against school and the teachers even when their child’s are wrong and that is the real sad story. At this time teachers are only the one to put sole h...

The Gift From New Place

This is considerably the new gift that I was gifted from the new place during my recent visit and all I can say is - Bhutan is yet another rich land for beautiful flora and fauna.  It's modestly for all of my friends those who have similar hobby like mine - love for flowers and growing it with all of my love. Perhaps, I am not trying to tighten the schedule for planting the flowers which we don’t have but it's only for the love for nature...  

Decent In Their Heart

Of all, these kinds of groups were the only decent people around the country to watch Tshechu whole-heartedly. They were the only one who felt the need to preserve age-old tradition is more important than simply going along with the changing time. I felt they're the only one during this season to up-hold and up-lift our nation's good name. Therefore, simply reflecting olden times and modern times, I felt so much of changes had taken place. This changing time is making me more tense and un-wise. In the name of changing times, everyone is calling it the ‘21st century world’. What actually is this?  Perhaps, through this kind of un-lawful thinking, every people have changed more to negative. This negative thought makes us think so nano, so negative, so un-productive, and so un-cultured. Indeed, we don't need anyone to makes us - what we've become and prepared so far. I think we're making ourselves so insignificant and fragile. Do we wan...