Fate Of a Teacher II
Remember: "If education fails, everything will fail and if education succeeds nothing will fail" . Reiterating this phrase, I will make a brief and decisive elucidation on the type of education system and our parent's notion towards our teacher. Today we are in a beautiful, comfortable, luxurious and compact world. Perhaps, it’s the collective and pooled ideas of our inordinate people, viz. experts, pilot, doctors, philosophers, scientists, engineers, lawyers, politician/law makers, accountant, guard and the officers. Where did these people or the post come from or did they come down from so called as heaven or rise-up from the abyss? All the profession, be it expert or a simple guard, the sole author are our books, pen and the teachers. Teaching profession is much like a debugger system for human society. They find errors, they beat us, they talk harsh, they put us in difficult situations, they punish us, they questions us, they criticize us but they ...