
Showing posts from September, 2015

Fate Of a Teacher II

Remember: "If education fails, everything will fail and if education succeeds nothing will fail" . Reiterating this phrase, I will make a brief and decisive elucidation on the type of education system and our parent's notion towards our teacher. Today we are in a beautiful, comfortable, luxurious and compact world. Perhaps, it’s the collective and pooled ideas of our inordinate people, viz. experts, pilot, doctors, philosophers, scientists, engineers, lawyers, politician/law makers, accountant, guard and the officers. Where did these people or the post come from or did they come down from so called as heaven or rise-up from the abyss? All the profession, be it expert or a simple guard, the sole author are our books, pen and the teachers. Teaching profession is much like a debugger system for human society. They find errors, they beat us, they talk harsh, they put us in difficult situations, they punish us, they questions us, they criticize us but they ...

Thieves Of Time!

source:google Well, time is something very abstract quantity, where nobody has power to buy and sell it. But, everyone can use it in their own ways. It is also an intuitive phenomenon yet difficult to cope with it if it’s used carelessly; it'll never become an obsolete matter rather it has power to grasp one’s goals. Thus, time management is nothing but a self-discipline, urgency concept and assertiveness. Time is a very unique phenomenon and it waits for none. Therefore, to be successful and gentle one need to effectively use time otherwise, success would be next to impossible, be it small or big, high or low.  Directly or indirectly time management is basically self-management or disciplining oneself. So, many a times we knowingly do not use time properly and lend up into big trouble and later we realize the value only when something goes wrong. The usage of time is an important component to lead a quality life. The issues like visualizing, planning, organizing a...

Fate Of A Teacher

How many of you genuinely dreamed to become a teacher or wanted to join in any teaching institution? So, here I submit you both education scene and teaching job. Looking at the recent allegation for the 'NFE instructor' against the usage of corporal punishment was not so agreeable. What is really going wrong in our education system and people today? Why are our people always going against their soul maker? Source: Can it be possible to call teaching job a noble profession nowadays? There's a big doubt and often I believe there's falseness in it.   Personally, I felt teaching job has become rather hectic, odium, tiresome, un-safe, un-sound and un-healthy. Perhaps, it became the place for someone to release all their frustration/anger. Shall we continue to blame at each other when someone purposefully cannot perform well and score good marks in school activities? Where actually our people wanted to dump our teachers? What integration leve...

Reading Festival

Theme : "Everyone Can Read" Venue : 'Assembly Ground' Date : 12th September, 2015 Time : 8:00AM --- 11:30 AM

New Schools Concept

What is a central and autonomous school? It is exactly a new concept that we're adopting to change or to streamline our education system. But, still there is so much of confusion arising when things do not become clear. At this time we needed some clarification on how to go on with the new reforms, how to handle overall teaching-learning section, some unique changes in this concepts, framework of policy. Since, the introduction was now amounting to almost one year and we still could see the same futuristic aspect in the sector. So, with the introduction of 'central and autonomous' schools in the country there came buckets of challenges to function at its best, producing best of best result and should be a role model school and best learning center for every child. But, how far is the concern taken down or broadened from the top level to address this issue. If one expects 'central and autonomous schools' to be called as the best education center or lo...

The Brain behind Jangsa Animal Saving Trust - I

'Saving Of Life' - the big idea came from this big brain and the big heart.  Simply by saving the life of an animal's way into darkest realm of life cycle is the only way to feel one's pain and suffering back due dying option.  Thus, this brain stands so firm and rescues the life hardest or the life toughest or scariest path called 'Death'. This non-profitable organization is working so hard in creating awareness on ‘Jangsa Animal Saving Trust’ for saving the life of animals across the country.  This organization teaches us a path of 'compassion and kindnesses one should have behind any animals' sorrows, sufferings, trivial and the pains. Let's be Vegetarian and save the life of our animals that becomes our daily delicious curry.  Let us try and substitute 'flesh and bone' with fresh vegetables that would further enhance and boost our daily diet, growth in more natural ways than one. Let us think of the sufferings one unde...

The Bird


e-ticketing service and smart card system!

What is this e-ticketing service for illiterate individuals?  And smart card system in pipeline? Perhaps little confused but the upcoming and streamlining of the system is a new journey, a new chapter and a new road for Bhutanese. City Bus Stand Thimpnu In the hope of greater public transport services in the capital city, the e-ticketing system for the city bus users. But the fact remains on how the new system would functions in Bhutanese society where maximum are not well informed and educated on where and how one gets excess to it. With the new introduction of service, tickets for travellers will not be issued inside the bus, but have to be purchased from an authorized e-ticket outlet. The e-tickets will be available at shops that sell e-mobile vouchers, of which there are around 75 in Thimphu. But, the big question is where and how do our people travellers can find these outlet? Will that outlet counters available for 24/7 and is it at possible accessible poin...