The Facebook - one of the most visited public pages that requires no age limit to hang around has become a place for all people to depot their grievances by uploading all sorts of off scenes human activities by creating false identity. This page is being over used, used like a dustbin, put to a point of beyond views by posting all sorts of posts. My feeling on this page is something different. For me this page is a bit that should function as it is meant for but most of the time it's never functioning the way it is for. This site in particular should provide a platform for better and more social interactions with friends, sharing information's and to get freed of some stressful works instead we see more like cyber-attack to one another. As I've seen most of the time it is being misused by uploading some of the obscene post which shouldn't be shared in public. I'm not sure where it is actually coming from, the fact is so much concealed that even the pe...