
Showing posts from December, 2015

New Year Memo

As said 'begin well to end well', and for many I am sure the deadlock would be to brake on bad habits and to begin a new life but to those who all have been into the path would be a challenging one but it won't be a difficult gateway if given a try. As we know we can't cry over the spill milk so is the case for the bygone years. We can't in any form bring back any instances from the past but at least we can relay and refine it other way. We can only volte-face and realize about it. So, for me 2015 is something special because I've done many great things that is likely to shape soon. Perhaps, to be focus my marriage is never a repudiating truth for the year and I kept all my promise in it. While many as I know would be eagerly waiting for New Year party to begin, young hearts looking the clock to ring twelve for a dates and some to promise for New Resolution but I've dedicated myself to sacrifice to update an article in my blog since it do not ...


For a Love of a Mother!

The Secret Behind Tourism

Isn't it a tensing moment when we hear on 'Sex Tourism, an emerging vulnerability' for a small Himalayan kingdom? I am honestly confused why this kind of life culture which is not supposed to take place is on rise, on demand all around. Is it simply for the income or for the survival or simply for the kinds? So, if these activities going to place then letā€™s not say we're the only Buddhist nation, survived without any external social customs. By looking at the facts mentioned I'm little hanged on 'how Bhutan would be just in few years of time from now'.  According to the survey released on 'Sex Tourism' Bhutan had faced several instances where many are into sex offerings business. Although we become too much  dependent on  western life style yet it is not a wise step that country like ours can take part in such activities. Therefore, if this continues to happen the future of our country will be at threat.   As it was very ...



Photography - I


Present Heroes: The Person I'M Close To

Dalai Lama: World Peace-Keeper Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook inc, Chief Executive  Lionel Messi: Football, best player (Left leg) Barack Hussien Obama: US, President and Writer Stephen Hawking: Greatest Scientist of 21st century (Paralyzed) Malala Yousafzai: Nobel Peace Winner (2014), (still a student)