
Showing posts from January, 2016

Traffic Chaos

At a glance, Phuntsholing town seems to be one of the high end destinations cum a holiday trips for many of us.  Because, it is only the big outlet for survivals, the place that boarders with India and said to be the country's main business hub for centuries.  But, did we ever realize on the fate of a town with daily increasing population, traffic commotion, climate issues, littering and town being completely submerge in the sea of dust. As I have seen and felt, I think the same would have been felt by others for the same poles. Although, it is a place of high end exchange centre and at the same time it need to be well taken care else I've seen 'the fate of the place is heading beyond repairs' if nobody plan at this time, the future of the country is heading towards risk zone. I think the day of the government is a sole responsible agency to think and plan on how to solve all of these issues after all it makes a big differences for the country and its peo...

