
Showing posts from February, 2016



Another Deadlock

Was it an accident or intentional one or under the power of drug? The God only can tell the truth behind the demise of a fifteen year old Indian student from the hand of a fifteen year old Bhutanese student studying in Darjeeling. For our people taking away someone’s life has become a practice. Indeed, this murder case had immensely surprised me but it’s nothing new. For this little boy what future gave him was not more than 'a criminal soul and a goofy future'. Even after rigorous analysis I wasn't convinced why it is necessary to take away someone's life. There are always better ways to solve problems. With just around seven hundred thousand population, the place is becoming worst day by day. We can’t imagine, what future lies ahead of us as a Bhutanese today because murder, rape and robbery just are so rampant and common.   What actually is going wrong in our youth – is it the education system and the mind-set? When 15 years old boy can do ...