Letter to Dear Parents From A School Teacher
Dear Parents, I was a baby, child and a student, adult and now I'm an educator. I know what it is to be a good parent to a smart classroom teacher. It's all about life and love. It’s all for you wonderful parents of twenty-first century. Here in any reasons, I don’t craved to hurt your sentiment rather I wanted to voice out an inaudible feelings of your son and daughter at school, who is in need of your love and care because you as a parent holds a greater shares of responsibility than anyone else. Tell me, is there anyone who doesn’t want to be in the sink of love and care. Tell me, do you want your child to be unnerved from the society, school and human circle because they’re in need of your help and support. Tell me, why your child is not doing well as others; is our teacher not doing justice over your lovable child? Tell me, you don’t wanted to see your child excelling in academic and doing best in life. Tell me, you don’t want to die in the h...