
Showing posts from April, 2016

Letter to Dear Parents From A School Teacher

Dear Parents, I was a baby, child and a student, adult and now I'm an educator. I know what it is to be a good parent to a smart classroom teacher. It's all about life and love. It’s all for you wonderful parents of twenty-first century. Here in any reasons, I don’t craved to hurt your sentiment rather I wanted to voice out an inaudible feelings of your son and daughter at school, who is in need of your   love  and   care   because you as a parent holds a greater shares of responsibility than anyone else. Tell me, is there anyone who doesn’t want to be in the sink of love and care. Tell me, do you want your child to be unnerved from the society, school and human circle because they’re in need of your help and support. Tell me, why your child is not doing well as others; is our teacher not doing justice over your lovable child? Tell me, you don’t wanted to see your child excelling in academic and doing best in life. Tell me, you don’t want to die in the h...




Bhutanese version of Charlie Chaplin Bhutanese version of Michael Jackson Bhutanese version of Osho Baba Tashi Rinchen Bhutanese version of Malala Yousafzai by Sonam Deki Bhutanese version of Stephen Hawking by Ugyen Drukpa Pardeep as Prime Minister of Bhutan.

Government Considers Buying New Pool Vehicles

I am thoroughly confused on this yet again, why the government liked the concept of pool vehicles ban uplift, when it's already proof that the pool vehicles is not serving its primary duty. It had automatically forced me to scan the whole article on the subject that became obvious for more cost factors inclined.  The ban for pool vehicles has come for good reasons by last government having researched scrupulously not having much help rather it became a nuisance for many big post holders to drop and pick their school going kids. Moreover, it has been found that the pool vehicles in past years had served as fishing vehicles, going for vegetable markets and partying. Today, our country is running shot of enough currency reserves and the economy is still in big crisis yet we see government planning to procure some. I am sure pool vehicles in our country will not and will never fulfil its mandates rather it would become more cost fueling factors.  Who will pay for dr...

I am always a teacher - Lyonpo Norbu Wangchuk

It’s a happy news for ministry of education as a whole. Since, Lyonpo Norbu Wangchuk a passionate educationist to take over the new post as a minister of education after Lyonpo Mingbo Drukpa offered to step down stating some genuine personal problems. It is always wise to be in the field someone who is close and have better work knowledge. So, with new lyonpo in place we expect to see changes. We believe so much in education being the backbone of the nation to have secure future. But, it's not happening the way it is suppose to happen. It's time for us to stop time and re-think on education wisely. Time for us to plan for better outcome.  Once our ex-education minister Thakur Singh Powdyel said, ‘ if education succeed nothing will going to fail, if education fails nothing will succeed ’. ‘ He is also aware that education is a long-term investment, the fruits of which will not bear immediately’ . Thus, with this let’s pray for safe, valid and valued education syst...

The Real Hero

William Carr Crofts  who was born at Bradford, Yorkshire in 1846 was an English architect by profession, who was a nature born photographer and a lover of music. William Carr and his photo-gallery William Carr in action Photography is a medium in which an artist express his or her feelings just like a love letter to a girl. It is also the means of communication in silence. It usually speaks more than what is merely captured with the artist thoughts. He was truly a modern master of fine art photography. He has touches and still lives in millions of heart across the world as one of the pioneer in photography. He had given the strong sense of what actually is the art of photography and its essence in all his photographs. He said, ‘ it is the intent of the artist to articulate the world that the subject cannot say in its own voice. It is within nature, that the beauty lies. But, it is the artist who stops time and interprets the gift of beauty for all to...