
Showing posts from February, 2017

Common Kingfisher

Common kingfisher  common kingfisher Name: Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Length: 16cm Status: Common resident Altitude range: 140-900m Locality: Mangduechhu, Bertichhu. Habitat: Streams, rivers and wetlands. Food: Fish, worms, aquatic insects.


Zhemgang Dzong: 23.02.2017 Zhemgang Dzong: 23.02.2017

The Little Style


Bird Photography

In the world of photography, the most difficult part is to catch images of live Bird in their natural habitats. Although, we say and see photography is a set of complete package of right amount of light but it’s not always right and sufficient.  There is no certainty about how one can get the satisfactory wildlife images. However, for a bird it’s all to do with their natural behavior and the way they behave with human. And obviously none of the birds are sociable with human beings. It can neither remain in a noisy out-fit of human merriment nor does it a league match to see again and again. By the time they sense your presence, it fly away to distant making it difficult to capture them.    For a long time back I was thinking to shoot this little bird but it’s never easy. It’s not like somebody directing the position of someone and the best appear like in film, the human drama. Film is the product of many people - director, good photographer and artificial lightin...

School Track Suits Dilemma

Rest In Peace! Bhutanese School Track Suits, according to Local leaders of East. For them it is above cultural norms.  Maybe they might have larger vision and greater diversity. Otherwise, it would entirely humiliate the education's mission of going dynamism. For many reasons, it didn't even qualify to reach my ear.   The idea was comprehensively unpromised to far to reach our House of Law.  It shouldn't be always trial and error test.  The idea was totally pseudo and not so futuristic.   HOW???  When people in the WEST has already started planning for 22nd century. It seemed our leaders are still at large. When people in the WEST has already started planning to settle in Mars. It seemed our leaders are still inside the cocoon.  Thinking's of our people is -beyond 'Compoundable Interest'. It can fetches the best price if sold in the market, thoroughly unused.  RIP!!! Source: google

The Bhutanese Faces


Zhemgang Trong, Heritage Village On Fire

It is neither easy to see fire gauging the house nor fighting against it is possible with common man’s energy. But if we unite as one and work for it, nothing is impossible. Honestly, I have seen house-on-fire for the first time and it’s not easy to see someone’s life long hard work and accomplishment going into flames. In front of everyone’s eye the house has become out-of- service, the rubble is all we can see now. I have seen people around had successfully fought against fire with all the possible brand of the energy. The dedication they have put this time was beyond measures. House on fire Personally I feel that, Zhemgang is a subject so close to me since I belong to this place for five long years and seen this 'Majestic Trong, Heritage House' every day. It housed almost quarter of total population. I have subjectively fallen in love with the age old stone designed house for so long at the very first sight. The place where I live happily with everyone around, ...

The Karmic Wheel


Special Gift!

source: kuenselonline PLEDGES -- Zhemgang Central School           We pledge to HRH the Gyalsey on his 1 st Birth Anniversary that in the academic year 2017,            we  shall;       1.    Read at least ten books during the academic year.          2.    Always respect my teachers and parents.          3.    Always abide by my school rules and regulations.          4.    Always be kind and helpful to my schoolmates.          5.    Always be friendly with my schoolmates.          6.    Always do my work on time.          7.    Work very hard to accomplish my goals.          8.    Always come to school, prepared to learn.   ...

Rufous-necked Hornbill, the Pride of Zhemgang

The Rufous-necked hornbill is a species of hornbill found in Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. The number of this bird species has declined significantly due to habitat loss. However, Bhutan has some countable numbers of this bird species intact. Although, Zhemgang is secluded from most modern touch however, the place is known for rich biodiversity. Thus, it homed to many critically endangered flora and fauna. One among them is Rufous-necked hornbill which is already under threatened list globally. Perhaps, it was a wonderful experience to shoot this high–flying bird on my recent trips to Mithun farm. Occasionally, one can also find this bird feeding on the way to Buli, tingtibi, gonphu-pangbang highway and around Royal Manas Park in lower Kheng.  It has been over a month now, but I still have that great feel of this giant bird flying over my head. This bird is very sensitive to human sound and settlement. Thus, it settles to an amazingly uncommon pla...

1st Birth Anniversary

1st Birth Anniversary of HRH, Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck 2017. I sincerely offer my warmest wishes and long prayers to  HRH on his first birthday. Long LIVE! Source: The official Facebook page of His Majestry King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.