
Showing posts from May, 2017

Population and Housing Census of Bhutan - 30th, 31st May and 1st of June.

What can you say about this nationwide population counting? Within few days of time, I have seen Facebook page status being over flooded with PHCB status. Some updates says, ‘I am finally being counted or some still waiting to be counted, but for some it's –beyond call of their job.’ What does it mean? Does it mean we are too eager or least interested to take part in this national call after a decade? According to press release from the office of Prime Minister, "this particular event is an important national undertaking. All the public should support officials by providing them with the honest and accurate information. PM, had assured that the data collected would remain safe and secrete." This must have given our general public a gust of relief to be honest while answering. Therefore, I am sure the data collected would be most accurate and direct.    The good news was the information collected would be used for devising of policies and planning, development a...

Literary Carnival

"In great literature, I become a thousand different men but still remain myself."                                                                                                                  –C .S. Lewis . MC (master of ceremonies) –finally informed gathering about the start of long waited Literary Carnival to go live performances shortly. He quickly updated the mass on day's programs to make the day more exciting and lively...

Mathematically at 28

By calculation I have already lived my life for  10,220+  ( 28x365 ) days. Which means I have already used half of my life. What have I done? What am I supposed to do next? Where my destiny is taking me? But, at 28 - I became a  Father of a She Baby . This is indeed the beginning of my Fatherhood Journey.  From the time we have beget-ed a seed of life, you started to fill and remain in millions of thoughts and imaginations. The more time we spend with you, the closer we begin to feel you. We know what it is to be a parent, precisely a responsible parent.  18 th  of March, 2017 -  the day you were born as our little baby girl, the day that will always remain so special throughout. Although the curiosity were torn apart, however we have never ceased to dream for you. So, as you grow, we hope you would make us feel happy and proud with your work and personality. Perhaps, you have inhabit us the light of a parenthood. Neverthe...

Blue-throated Barbet.

Blue-throated Barbet - In action

Importance of conserving birds in Bhutan

Although, it is a century of rapid change in society, development in science and technology and in everyday life. It seemed that we became awfully miser and selfish towards safeguarding our forest from mining unreasonably high. At the cost of luxury, we became exceedingly ambitious and selfish of unrealistic commitments by mining our environment inaccurately. These changes should not come at the cost of conceding our immediate environment –beyond repair for which there are millions of life.   Indeed, human beings are the main cause who is seriously posing a threat to our environment day in and day out. Over the recent years, intensifying and expanding reckless horizon of agricultural work, unlawful farm road construction and cunning hydroelectricity expansion has further slackened bird's natural habitat, nesting place and food. Climate change, with impacts already obvious is yet another serious threat building up around recently. The number and the variety of birds mi...

May 2

3rd, King of Bhutan and the Queen.  May 2, of every year is marked as the Teachers Day coinciding with the birth of the Father of Modern Bhutan, His Majesty the third  King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck.   The same day was marked to give an importance of the introduction of modern education system in Bhutan. Over the years some of the educational reforms has changed. However, the base of the education system has remains almost the same.  Celebrating Teachers day simply means a lot for every teachers working far across the country. It symbolizes the importance of education, hardship born by teachers working in the field, education an inevitable subject for everyone's life and the power of education for one's living.  On the day, all the teachers across the country get due recognition of their hardships and to work even harder in times to come. The message is so fine that nothing can beat education.    My Facebook page and timeline was thor...

April Archive

His Majesty in Punakha with Granny.  His majesty's personal Facebook page.  His Majesty and her Majesty; HRH Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck.