Population and Housing Census of Bhutan - 30th, 31st May and 1st of June.
What can you say about this nationwide population counting? Within few days of time, I have seen Facebook page status being over flooded with PHCB status. Some updates says, ‘I am finally being counted or some still waiting to be counted, but for some it's –beyond call of their job.’ What does it mean? Does it mean we are too eager or least interested to take part in this national call after a decade? According to press release from the office of Prime Minister, "this particular event is an important national undertaking. All the public should support officials by providing them with the honest and accurate information. PM, had assured that the data collected would remain safe and secrete." This must have given our general public a gust of relief to be honest while answering. Therefore, I am sure the data collected would be most accurate and direct. The good news was the information collected would be used for devising of policies and planning, development a...