
Showing posts from July, 2017

Setting the National Goal

The training on English for effective communication is far too short but the impact will live on for thousands of teaching fraternity. This five day training has stirred thoroughly on teacher’s spoken competency level. With the spread of English for various reasons at home and abroad, the training have also emphasized on the advantage of being a good communicator as a teacher in school and –beyond.      Although, English is neither our Mother Tongue nor our official language. But, English being the main medium of instruction in our schools, ministry felt that conducting such PD program for teachers would immensely benefit in making of competent teachers and better education system in the country.   With the spread of English for political medium, to access information and entertainment and to function actively in the world no more holds the ownership of Great Britain alone. Thus, learning to communicate effectively has become neces...

White Wagtail

White wagtail ( Motacilla alba )                                                To mark, World Rangers' Day. Length: 16 – 19cm Status: Fairly common winter visitor. Altitude range: 110 – 345m. Habitat: Rivers, streams, damp fields, vicinity of water and short grassland. Food: It depends mainly upon varieties of insects, fish, frogs, etc. Description: The white wagtail is a small passerine bird in the wagtail family, motacillidae. It has extremely variable head pattern and mantle color indicating its racial identification of breeding males. This species breeds in much of Europe, Asia and parts of north Africa. In Bhutan, it is found in all the places especially in southern and central areas.

Taxi Driver - The Most Challenging Job in the Market.

This past one week I have been constantly watching bbs Television just to be on the toe of latest happenings. But, to my surprise, almost all the news fed were neither informative nor educational, many were unmannered except for few road network connectivity for commuters due to recent heavy downpour. All the coverage were, "15 nabbed for smoking in public areas, Druk PNB ATM teller accused of siphoned Nu. 10M, 54 years-old man gets 17 years in jail for raping a minor, etc."  What is happening to GNH country?  Yesterday's headline on, ' Aspiring taxi drivers may have to face an interview.'  have captured my attention the most. The content of the news has really alerted and touched my nerve, although I am not making life out from gearing taxi string. I feel their feelings.  Though, I fear for sharing my opinion on this agenda, but it's my long term frank opinion. The three most hatred jobs are, ' teacher, taxi driver and police personne...

Digitized textbook for students in pipeline - II

While China is busy nagging supremacy over Bhutan's ancestral land, Bhutan continues to make ineffectual planning.   Indeed, REC (Royal Education Council) planning onto such a cool digitized textbook is already laudable, a very smart initiative for the day. But, who will bear the entire cost escalation?   If REC is looking forward to provide quality education, back problems and reduce workload. Digitized textbook is not the ultimate solution.  Firstly, we must look for better classroom walls, stronger windowpane and superior place to sit on and better infrastructures. I feel lockers for every student in the school is must and slashing unwanted topics is always healthy.  Secondly, we must think for Smart Classroom Settings (i.e. classroom with WiFi connectivity, overhead projector, audio system, video surveillance system, etc).  Thirdly, teacher recruitment policy must be upgraded. I mean teacher entry should be for degree holder. Mi...