
Showing posts from April, 2018

Book Review: tuesdays with Morrie

Name of the book:  Tuesdays with Morrie Author:  Mitch Albom Book genre:  Philosophical fiction   This book reminds me of my parents, teachers, lecturers and students from whom I have learnt to live and be a good human being in life and throughout. It made me come an inch closer to understanding the meaning of life and that material wealth brings nothing more than a stressful life.    On this special day, I dedicate this book to all my teachers –with the message Happy Teachers Day and to remember the Father of Modern Bhutan, the Great Third, who embarked Bhutan to the outside world with modern educational reforms.    Tuesday with Morrie, a book read and loved worldwide is one of my favorites. It is about a wonderful professor’s reflection of life on –death, aging, marriage, family, love, society and forgiveness as he walks towards his inevitable death journey.    Morrie becomes Mitch’s immediate mentor, that one person in life...

Open Letter

Somewhere, someone told me "a stitch in time saves nine." I want to stitch you in time and save you from any danger. So, I am passing it to you today with concern and with the message work smartly, if you want to wrap your achievement at high end.   I say you over again because I have hope in you. You are the only hope because you have the ability to reach very far and wide. You can reach the place of your choice that no one has reach in our family but only if you thoroughly keep working hard. I will tell you, things won't come that easy. Nothing is easy. Remember, things that comes easy don't last long and is never valued well in life. You need to sweat. You need lots of sacrifices. No matter what, you need to keep your high end spirit lighted 24/7. You have all the ability and skills to rise above the far hills, the Moroccan hills that you see in your dream. But, I will tell you it's not easy to reach that dream land. The land of fantasy. The land of de...

Child Adoption Dilemma –II

In my earlier post, I stated the "One child One teacher" initiative was a personal initiative of the PM, Tshering Tobgay. This initiative basically was to empower and support students in their academic improvement, behavioral changes, enrich psycho-social support, strengthen teacher-student bonding, instill the sense of belongingness to school and guide them to be a responsible citizen.   The motive of one child one teacher initiative was extremely beneficial but at the same time it is extremely sensitive. I said sensitive because if I happen to adopt a girl child, it may inflame endless concern to her parents and to others at large. It may fetch the teacher being so biased and judgmental among students and staff as well.  Any conclusion can be made.    "Unfortunately not everyone is as lucky as you. Not everyone is lucky in love. Not everyone is blessed to have both the parents and not everyone is as lovable as you." Image:Facebook page. Ms. Sonam Tshom...

Birds help in sustaining our environment

By virtue, we humans have ensconced a hierarchy among all the beings due to which we tend to take a lot of things for granted, ignoring just to fulfill our selfish motives. If the trend continues the day isn’t far when we will prove the cliché, “ when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then we will realize that one cannot eat money .” One such thing we never care to think twice about are birds that accommodate this planet along with us. A lot of us don’t know the significance of birds in our daily lives like its ecological importance, scavenging to assist farmers, a natural propagator and serving as a tool of science to diagnose the health of our environment. By far, birds are best understood component of our natural world due to its historic significance and sustaining our daily environment. It is time we must unite together with reliable statistics on how to protect bird species by safeguarding their habitats. It is time for al...

Child Adoption Dilemma

Does it make sense to you? Is it going to work? Is it going to help in reshaping the behaviors of someone's child with someone's adoption? The idea of the "One child One teacher" was a personal initiative of His Excellency Prime Minister   Tshering Tobgay . It came as an order for all the schools to look for the leeway to adopt a child each, or more by the school teacher compulsorily. I was shocked. Child was shocked. Indeed, everyone was shocked. What is a Child Adoption? Whom to adopt? Why adopt someone's child? What are the basic rules to adopt a child? Do the acting parents need to produce legal certification from the court? In fact, the initial idea of child adoption had confused all of us thoroughly.   Honestly, it took a long time to convince people working in the Ministry of Education –both teachers and students about this new initiative. Not to forget the biological parents –especially some literate parents felt not so fine. It wobbled them. But the m...

The Life of a Bell Girl

In the fall of 1996, I first heard the sound of school bell as a little naughty boy. Thereafter, my life is all bound with bell as a student and now as a school teacher. In fact I've been hearing the bell sound for almost 1/3 of my life and how many more years to go is still a mystery.  "Do you know Zhemgang CS has a bell girl?" Bell Girl of ZCS for 2018 Let me introduce her –she is Ash Rani Subba. Student of XII Commerce and she is from Samtse District. Before coming to Zhemgang CS, she has studied in her hometown school.  Although Zhemgang lies hundreds of miles away from her birthplace, which is hemmed behind mountains and the powerful Mangduechu following downhills. She picked this place to pursue her higher secondary schooling.    I have seen our girls not willing to take such a hectic and nuisance responsibility boldly like her. Our girls turn down their face from bell ringing business because it is a cheap post. Eve...


There was a church that has a bell that no one could ring. One day, a boy came and asked the priest if he could try. He went up into the tower and ran straight into the bell face-first. The bell tolled loud and clear. The priest gave him the job. One Sunday, the boy ran straight toward the bell with his face and missed, so he fell off the tower and died. “Congregation,” the priest said before the assembled masses. “Does anybody know this boy's name? I don't know him, but his face rings a bell.” Source:

Hope of Education

I wasn’t surprised by Kuensel headline, dated April 2nd on ‘teachers will require master's degree in the 12th plan.’ But doing away with teacher licence system has surprised me more. I was more confused now. I was confused with uncommon reason. If they feel teacher come out with licence to teach. Then why teacher licence in education blueprint. Because education blueprint serve as a bible for ministry. Whatever happens has to happen within the periphery of the blueprint.   Why this concern at wrong time when we have already lost enough qualified and dedicated teachers from the field?  High quality teachers are must. But not necessarily a teacher licence system will find better option for the job, job of a teacher, job within the four walls of the classroom. Is our teaching job an admirable enough for anyone wishing to join teaching force? Do teaching job have enough salary to match all those series of test and exams? Obviously Finland has the...

Cross – Country Race

Cross – country race is a running race on open air courses over natural terrain such as muddy to grass, slope to straight and uphill to downhill. This race can be run by both men and women of all ages. This running race is one of the disciplines under the umbrella sport of athletics. The natural terrain version of long-distance running competitions and its rules and regulations has emerged in Britain. This event is a real test for the tough nerve and a diligent heart.   The formal cross country competition traces its history to the 19 th  century and an English game called “hare and hounds” or “the paper chase.” Initially English schools started this competition way back in 1837 and finally could established a national championship on 7 Dec, 1867.  The competition was held on Wimbledon Common in south-west London. The first ever Olympic was held back in 1912. During this Olympic, Sweden took home the gold medal.   Although this discipline o...