
Showing posts from August, 2018

I have lost a great friend

Sir, Dawa D. Tamang with his boys. Image: His FB page     As we come together to bid a farewell to one of our colleagues, the ministry of education is short of one experienced and qualified teacher.    I have lost a great friend, school has lost great asset, ministry has lost a great teacher, and students have lost a very passionate human being. I know how sad and heart breaking it is to lose a single teacher from the field.   He is a cool and soft-spoken guy full of humor. He is one of the best-looking guys in the school.    Until the education system and teaching job become attractive and unpolluted, we will continue to lose our teachers. I don’t know why teaching jobs are not grabbing the interest of our teachers and job seekers. If we continue to lose teachers especially the seasoned ones from the field, I worry about the future of education. If education has to prosper, we need a passionate and a self-driven human being moving the motio...

# India through Bhutanese Eyes

India through Bhutanese EYES. As we stand to celebrate 50 years of successful diplomatic relationship between two countries, I stand to salute wise and visionary leaders of all times. It is time we must all come together and reflect upon the past and plan for the future to further strengthen the excellent bilateral relations  between the two countries. Bhutan and India not only share boundary, but also share strong diplomatic tie that has benefited Bhutan –beyond the sky and the earth. Some significant developmental assistance committed by government of India are hydro-power plants, construction, roads, education, agriculture and health. Despite its massive population, India successfully made impression of being one of the biggest democratic countries without compromising its culture and tradition, setting a perfect example for a developing country like ours. Thank you India for helping Bhutan become a beautiful place to live. We will never forget the support and...

Book Review: Emotional Intelligence

Name of the book: Emotional Intelligence Author:  Daniel Goleman Book genre:  Self-help book Year of publication: 1995   The book by Daniel Goleman “Emotional Intelligence” takes us into a journey of self–discovery. It talks about close relationship between IQ and EQ. It says IQ is important but more so EQ is must. Perhaps, human intelligence is far too narrow and that our emotions play a huge role in decision making that lead to mountain of success. Therefore, EQ is the key to both personal and professional accomplishment.    In this grotesque world where people are fully run by technology, this book can give a very effective and practical solution to overcome your daily obstacles with colleagues and bosses. Perhaps for the same reason, I was immensely benefited. More so, I highly recommend this book for teachers and parents. It has lot of practical solution to increase leadership ability, team performance and decision making to personal wellbeing. On the other...

5 best places you must visit in Bumthang

Bumthang is located at an altitude of 2800m (9,185ft) above sea level. From the time immoral, the valley is famous for holding many age-old monasteries, Lhakhang's and other secret religious sites more than any other places. Due to its beautiful landscape, people often mislead Bumthang with Switzerland. For the local people, their main crops still remain buckwheat and barley although potatoes were recently introduced in the valley.  For centuries the valley also houses for many highly regarded lamas and intellectuals. Above all, Bumthapzams are uniquely tall and beautiful.  1. Kurjey Lhakhang   View of Kurjey Lhakhang from Tamshing monastery Kurjey Lhakhang is located few minutes’ drive away from Chamkhar town. Kurjey means the body print of Guru Rinpoche. The main temples also called as the Guru Lhakhang, that was built by Trongsa penlop, Minjur Tenpa in 1652. As you travel more inside the Lhakhang, you can see and touch many ancient historie...

New Dasho Dzongda in Zhemgang CS

It was an honor and privileged for Zhemgang CS family to receive new dasho Dzongda in school recently. Having worked for so many years in different agencies, we hope dasho would immensely benefit the people of Khengrig Numsum, and particularly the schools in the dzongkhag. School staff waiting for Dasho's arrival The program started with lighting of butter lamps followed by singing of national anthem and awarding of His Majesty's Academic elite certificates to 8 students [3 girls and 5 boys] of different classes for achieving high grades. Dasho encouraged all the students to work harder and be somebody in future.    Dasho Dzongda, DEO, Principal, Vice-principal and toppers. Dasho sharing his think big abbreviation. Dasho ignite the love for learning and the power of education through his own life experience as a student and now as an administrator. To further brand, encourage and put some wild hope in our students, dasho also highlighted a...