Special Royal Address

Every time I come across these heartwarming lines from His Majesty the King, it gives me unparallel hope for living a life. I wish every human leader possessed such greatness and humanness nature, and not their selfish ego. Leadership is in fact, missing here in some context from our leaders/simply boss. With such a caring Royal Words, I shall take a self-promise of serving this nation in my best ability and dedication. 

                                  LONG LIVE YOUR MAJESTY!

“Throughout my reign I will never rule you as a King. I will protect you as a parent, care for you as a brother and serve you as a son. I shall give you everything and keep nothing; I shall live such a life as a good human being that you may find it worthy to serve as an example for your children; I have no personal goals other than to fulfill your hopes and aspirations. I shall always serve you, day and night, in the spirit of kindness, justice and equality.”
- His Majesty's Coronation Address to the Nation

Photo Courtesy:

The official Facebook page of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck


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