De-Suung Training: The Test of Time

Since its inception in February 2011, 4,457 (3,236 Male and 1,221 Female) DeSuups had already been trained at Tencholing, Wangduephodrang when the 37th Batch completed their training in February 2020. These men and women from diverse backgrounds are spread across the country and have been serving their fellow citizens diligently. It is reassuring that the numbers will only grow bigger. My enrollment in DeSuung has been a dream come true in many ways. I have been trying to undergo the training for the past 5 years at least, but each time something or the other prevented me from doing so. I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to finally become a DeSuup this year, by enrolling in the 38th Batch Accelerated Training held at the Royal Bhutan Police Training Institute in Jigmeling. DeSuups have earned recognition over the years for their unity, strength, courage and service to the society, and their beautiful orange uniform has become a recognisable symbol of their de...