Mixed Bags Of Learning - III
The year 2020 is full of uncertainty and surprises. Never thought that we would land up in such a tight situation and international lockdowns. Never in history have we come with such unpleasant situations, not even the worst hit countries in the wars have suffered with such degree of harm and stressing moments. This is an absolutely difficult time human beings are undergoing and experiencing. Things like social distancing, good hand hygiene and wearing a facemask seemed quite unusual and tiring tasks. However, in the beginning of the year I committed to read as many books as possible. I made a promise; a thousand promises that shall keep me fit and engage wholeheartedly. I made a great start by reading a book by our local author. Perhaps, I made a great beginning. Although the book came with full of surprises and conflict, however I had a nice reading. Nevertheless, for the first time I fell in love with the Bhutanese book. The language, content and the message was very cle...