The Great Fourth: Last I Saw in-person was in 2011
As serious as in his looks, he is serious in action. As handsome as in his appearance, he is serious in his personality. As a boy I grew up closely watching at the beautiful kupar of our king Jigme Singye Wangchuck my parents had hung up just above the first door of my parental house. Before I knew anything about the world, my parents introduced me to our king. Before I knew where he lives and what he does, I knew him as our king, King ( Raja ) of Bhutan. His leadership have often caught the worldly attention. I started loving our king from a very young age. There is nothing as beautiful as giving a long staring looks at the kupar of our king, the Great Fourth. Before I'd the idea of the world, I was already very close to our king. The photo frame my parents have always occupies a special place in our home and in our heart. It is still in the same place and has equally impacted other siblings like me. We worship him for his leadership and...