
Showing posts from June, 2021

Pizza Party In the Classroom, not a Crime

One evening after a tiring day, over a cup of tea I chanced to share my wife that most of my students haven't seen Pizza, forget about eating them. My wife gave me an immediate hope that she will make one for my students. Such a heartbreaking story is nothing uncommon at the remote corner of the country.  Couple of discussions went on for a few hours. It was a good chance to rekindle our childhood memories. Like the two of us, who've never tasted Pizza, we felt pity for them. As remote as  Zhemgang , where everything is rare and  monopolized  and  in absence of  a Bakery Shop, turning my dream into reality was my dear wife who out of pity had willingly agreed to make simple Homemade Pizza for my students someday was promising and heartful.   I thanked her in advanced anticipation and good faith. How badly I wanted to treat them with Pizza came to my mind after knowing most of them have never seen, or heard about Pizza. My wife who neither has training ...


  Abi Bogdpa and Memay Rinchen It was 7 AM in the morning. As usual  Mamay  Rinchen was already waiting in the queue for a steaming breakfast. He carries double plates, one for himself and another for  Abi  Bogdpa. After a few minutes he returns with a big smile on his face signaling a sumptuous treat. As they sat down for breakfast, they seemed to exchange a few talks, as it was clear from their little aging laughs. They're made for each other and that is obvious from their evergreen relationship.  Abi  Bogdpa is 71-year-old from  Mongar  Dzongkhag. They settled in Tsirang (Sergithang) through a resettlement program in early 2000. Interestingly both of them are fluent in commonly spoken language - Lhotshampa kha (Nepali) , which makes their communication easy and fast. She is a chronic Asthma patient. She is currently undergoing treatment at Damphu District Hospital.  For the past 3 years and 6 months,  Abi  Bogdpa has be...