The Becoming Of The Royal Academy At Damphu CS -VII
7th Day: Way Forward for School (Roadmaps) The final day was full of sharing and discussion on the way forward in the Five Areas of Development. I came to understand and revisit many things that I have missed in the previous sessions. Indeed, it was a great relearning. The roadmaps shared by different participating schools was interesting. However, throwing some light feedback and suggestions by participants and facilitators has made the roadmaps more SMART. I have learnt so much on interconnectedness of different areas of development through roadmaps shared by other schools. It was fun getting so many insightful comments and suggestions from colleagues. We were informed about The Royal Academy (TRA) approach of examination and implementation of 5 areas of development in the curriculum context. The whole idea of these practices at TRA is to refine, model and transfer each child into their real life situation, making them a mindful citizen, more – zhabthogtog ...