My Omni Van

As I was driving to town, I was questioning my 5-year old girl on the car I was driving –which car is better, our old car (i20 Hyundai), or this car (Omni Van), she instantly gave me this response. Dad, this car is better. I like this car so much. Amazed by her response, I was quizzing her more on the car, and every time her answer was the same, this car is very cool and beautiful. I do not know what made her like the Omni van, but I was quite sure it could be the space and more openness of the road view from the car. Perhaps, the words of my daughter had made my whole perspective very different about the car. Tsirang is not only known for beautiful landscape and favourable weather but also famed for organic vegetables. In addition, the place is also famous for the Bolero Camper. But of late, I was moved by my daughter's response to the Omni van and immediately set my mind on checking the number of Maruti vans around and perhaps the number was impressive which ar...