
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Royal Address At RIM, and What is Your Take

What is more reassuring than these lines by our beloved King. The challenges are boundless but I am sure with our king in the forefront, our future seems promising but we must commit invariably and sincerely.   What we must have is clear.   Therefore, in the making of Bhutan -We individuals are the responsible agent of change, change must come from within each one of us. And it is time to love our country more intelligently than even! I wish the 2019-2022 batch of graduates good luck.   The below is the Royal Address copied from "Kuensel".  In an informal conversation with the 746 graduates and RIM staff, His Majesty spoke about our challenges as a nation, concerns over issues we face today, and our way forward if we are to secure a bright future for Bhutan. His Majesty said that to achieve all our goals and aspirations, it is of utmost importance to be consistent and persevere - with discipline , even our smallest daily efforts can add up to big results. His M...

...cause For Nation Building

As big as the recent DT discussion on doing away with the 30-min parking system, there are other equally, or more pertinent issues to address at the earliest, if not wisely. The lifestyle is rapidly changing and the need of the hour is beyond what our ancestors had forged on for centuries. Time to be smart and resilient. Should we further delay in being futuristic and innovative, the graveyard is already deepening closer than ever. My first suggestion is –the segregation of waste. People residing in and around Damphu town are quite fortunate to empty their waste bin twice a week (Monday and Friday) in a waste-truck that comes at the door-step of each household. However, I have been thinking about why not –one time wet waste dumping and the other day for dry waste dumping. Time is now when we are small and compact. We can do almost everything at this stage when we are still delicate, mendable and fresh. Population is increasing, more buildings are coming and infinite development is in t...