Her Way : My Daughter In The Pursuit of Education

At her age, I barely knew the existence other than my parents, relatives and a tiny village. Except for a few auspicious hospital visits, I was never exposed to the outside world. At 5, the farthest I knew was the boundary of my home and village. โ The Frog in the Well knows nothing of the mighty Ocean A little innocent boy draped in torn clothes and bare feet, I never imagined I would one day sit in front of a power laptop, phone, sofa, have a cosy bed and walk around a high rise building and drive a car. Fast forward, the world including my village has changed so fast and so much. The road and electricity were never thought to be the basic necessities of livelihood. And more over, people moving outside of their community for education, work and livelihood was never envisioned since farming work used to be the supreme end. We never imagined the power of technology would grow this powerful and sophisticated and dictate us like today. Whatever are the happenings...