
Showing posts from February, 2023

One More Empty Chair

Heart felt message from our Dear Friend   Image: Pem C One more empty chair in the Science Department of the Damphu Campus. School has lost a teacher but we have lost a great friend.  It says –easy to meet but hard to depart. This is so true even for the great enemies. A few days back, we hosted a simple dinner to say a final goodbye to a young and talented colleague of ours, who would be landing in the land of Kangaroos soon. Indeed, the dreamland for all of us.    As we came to say the final few words, we got some personal space to share, learn and express our wishes and more.   There are already many friends in line who are leading their way out of our campus in the coming months for the greener pastures. This is becoming too painful, especially for schools and students to lose an experienced pool of people.  No doubt, the office can replace him easily, but not our friend, not his experience. However, a gathering such as this gives a relaxing moment and ...

Work. Life. Pain – Part III

I located my friend [ Bhaia ] at the corner busy with his business.    I just went around to share about -The Australian Rush and more. In our previous talk, he shared little about the pain of leaving behind family and country to live and work in foreign soil.    Bhaia , everyone, including the government feels the pain of losing a talented pool of young, qualified, trained and experienced people out of the system and the country. This is a serious concern even for a family and especially for the old parents and young kids who are left behind all by themselves. This is too much for a country of a small population.    "Sir, you are one of the lucky guys in the world." "Said Bhaia "   "I asked him, why?"   You are a government servant. You get paid every month. You don't have to worry about anything. Need not have to work so hard like me. In my case, year after year, I am away from my family. If I am sick, I don't have anybody around to take care of...

Humble Lam Of Tsirang Dratsang

"9:30 am sharp to kick off LA. Shall send the details once prepared." "Command in the group chat from the Principal."   It was past 7:41 pm when I read the message. Not very late to float my idea because the next day is a big day for all of us. We are staring a new academic year and we must start well, very well and together with good wishes and prayers.    "I replied." "As we are starting a new academic year, what if we make a collective visit to Dratshang in the morning hours to offer our prayers, good wishes and butter lamps. Just a suggestion. Friends can share your thoughts."    "At 7:42 pm, one agreed. Then many agreeing chats followed. All agreed in unison."   "At 7:50 pm, one chat popped up…communicated with Lam Neten. Time fixed is 9:30 am." "Wrote Principal."   "The message relieved me immensely. Because the idea worth sharing."   "I had a peaceful sleep."    "The next day, I headed...