A Wonderful Workmate - I

Picture: Rode is with round hat, its a selfie time Just as my friend had warned me, I ended up in a car wash. It's like a dream come true in a foreign land. As simple and easy as it may seem to other, melancholic feeling is within the chest. Over the course of time, I have learned about professionalism and customer care. Essentially, I have learned to organize myself. As I work through the day, this line anchor my heartbeat ā"there is no free lunch in life". Rodney became my new friend. He added a helping hand. A guy who is so humble and graceful. He bears the utmost coolness of a gentleman's quality. Initially, he seem reserved and firm, but he is all different when he opens up with a conversation. After a brief introduction to each other before throwing his hand to work, I warned him of a few essential things -spraying water, wringing chamois, and bending. Over the days, we became closer as we shared more about ourselves. I have quizzed him like a journalist to...