
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Wonderful Workmate - I

Picture: Rode is with round hat, its a selfie time Just as my friend had warned me, I ended up in a car wash. It's like a dream come true in a foreign land.  As simple and easy as it may seem to other, melancholic feeling is within the chest. Over the course of time, I have learned about professionalism and customer care. Essentially, I have learned to organize myself. As I work through the day, this line anchor my heartbeat ā€“"there is no free lunch in life".  Rodney became my new friend. He added a helping hand. A guy who is so humble and graceful. He bears the utmost coolness of a gentleman's quality. Initially, he seem reserved and firm, but he is all different when he opens up with a conversation.  After a brief introduction to each other before throwing his hand to work, I warned him of a few essential things -spraying water, wringing chamois, and bending.  Over the days, we became closer as we shared more about ourselves. I have quizzed him like a journalist to...

HRH Gyalsey: Our Own North Star

THE EXAMPLE IS HERE, OUR HRH GYALSEY.  Seeing HRH Gyalsey leading our nation gives off a good vibe. I wish every one of us had this discipline to serve and become a part of the country. It is the face of the nation and the future of Bhutan. There is nothing more humbling than seeing our HRH Gyalsey show the best of what eight-year-old kids can do.  This is a great example we must take forward to develop our minds and mentalities to serve our nation and make our country great. We have our own North Star. The time is now!  It is always nice to see our young prince already leading the nation. As much as he is humble and charming, he is so disciplined. I don't doubt the future of our nation, but we need a collective oneness, a nation-building mentality, an eye for perfection, toughness, and rigor to move the nation.    (Foot note: This is my honest morning feeling seeing this updates on facebook page) Photo: His Majesty's Official FB Page 10 February 2024:  In ...

A Perspective on School Feeding Program and Cooks ā€“ Part I

Recently, one of the media papers made an interesting highlight: ā€œFill the Nutrient Gap report raises health concerns among youth because of poor dietary habits.ā€ What the paper shared did not surprise me. Indeed, we were accustomed to such happenings. I am neither a nutritionist nor a fitness coach. However, I do like a fit body and, more so, a slim belly. According to some reports, schoolchildren, especially those residing in boarding schools, are facing some health issues because of the lack of balanced diet meals. One report has beautifully stated, ā€œThe ministry has issued a notification calling on school authorities to prohibit school canteens from providing junk food.ā€ Have we changed? Has the school canteen changed? Did it affect anyone? Did our children change? The new plan and programs seem interesting. The ministry is looking forward to focusing on salt and rice intake, raising awareness among parents, using software for directing day meals, and having a robust monitoring sys...

Ms, Sarah, the Leader from Another World

  Good Morning Sarah,  Thank you for hosting me and sharing with me your lovely afternoon yesterday to discuss many beautiful journeys of yours. It was truly amazing to listen to you. You have opened me up in many ways and I will surely keep all those discussions archived in my diary.  Thank you once again. Secondly, I was so happy to meet your esteemed team members, especially Mr. Sonam who shared with me many good things happening in the center. It was a brief but eye-opening session.  Thank you for the chance. I have promised you heaven and hope I can prove you right in times to come. Thank you for listening to my side of the education story.  I felt both of us share many similar dreams and a passion for education. It worth all my afternoon to meet a person of your vision and experience. Thank you for sharing your story, the journey of your education, training, and many more. I wish I can listen to more of your journey in times to come.  It would be...

To Our HRH Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck

  Photo: His Majesty's Official Facebook Page To our beloved HRH, Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, the heart son, the future of us and Bhutan.  I join the nation in offering our heartfelt prayers and good wishes for the good health, peace and prosperity of our Beloved Gyalsey on his 8th Birth Anniversary.  May you remain humble for the nation.  May you bring peace to our country. May you shine like a diamond.   May you be happy all the time.

Unveiling Teacher Agendas for the New Education Minister

As the torch of leadership in the Ministry of Education and Skills Development is now formally passed down to new management, the time is now for a revolutionary agenda that transcends the conventional. In my vision for the future, I present a condensed plan to redefine education, assessment, aesthetics, and holistic development at the forefront. Assessment? The cornerstone of my agenda for education lies in the reformation of the assessment system. I advocate for a fair and inclusive evaluation process that goes beyond standardized testing. What can we do more than solely rely on exam scores? Can we give a little more space than the typical means to judge different students? By incorporating diverse assessment methods, including project-based evaluations, practical assessments, continuous feedback, and topic-wise assessment, we can honor the unique strengths of every student. This shift towards fairness ensures that no learner is left behind, fostering an educational environment that ...

Unveiling My Agendas for the New Ministers

The new government was formed under the dynamic leadership of  Lyonchhoen  Tshering Tobgay as the Prime Minister (for 2024-2028). There is no looking back now for whatever reasons that has happened during the entire election period.    Whether we like it or not, the general public has given the People's Democratic Party (PDP) the power to rule for the next five years and hopefully they will set a good precedence for the future of the country.    However, as a concerned citizen, I would like to spell out a few agendas for the new ministers.    1. Ministry of Health   In the words of Karthik Ganesh, "the foundation for all happiness in life is health. There is no compromise on the health of anyone in the society. Therefore, we must pay the highest attention to the health system of any nation."  Therefore, I would like to share a few lines with the new cabinet minister to push agendas on ways to make health easily accessible to all ages and...

Extraordinary Moments
