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Showing posts from September, 2024

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: Review

Google I have come across some interesting reviews of the movie -some recent, others older. The feelings shared by these viewers are simply mind-blowing.  The reviews highlight just how beautiful and touching this film is. I haven't watched the full movie yet, but I am already eager to watch it myself. Nonetheless, I will definitely have my own share of thoughts and feelings to share.  I am truly thankful to my wife for recommending this movie. So far, I have only seen the trailer and read a few online reviews, but they have already sparked my curiosity, and urge, making me want to watch it sooner than I expected.    Preeti Shah Review of the Moive "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" is a hauntingly poignant masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of cinema to touch the deepest recesses of the human soul. Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film navigates the complexities of innocence, friendship, and the brutality of prejudice with unparalleled grace and sensi

Building the Legacy --II

Salem House. Happiness Kingdom Travels Early this morning, while browsing through my Facebook news feed, I came across an interesting post from " Happiness Kingdom Travels " about a subject that has long piqued my interest— The Galem House in Punakha .  The post offers a beautiful summary of the house, covering everything one might want to know.  " The Galem and Singye House in Punakha is a historic landmark tied to one of Bhutan's most cherished folk tales-the story of Salem and Singye, two lovers whose tragic romance is often compared to Romeo and Juliet. The house, located near the Punakha Dzongkha, is believed to be the home of Salem, and it stands as a symbol of enduring love and devotion. Visitors can explore the traditional Bhutanese architecture of the house, which reflects the cultural heritage of the region. This site serves as a reminder of Bhutan's rich storytelling tradition and its deep connection to themes of love and loyalty ". I can't ag

Thoughtful Leader

My King. BBS I often wonder if there's anyone more handsome, thoughtful, wise, profound, visionary, exceptional, and capable than our King. In a small nation like Bhutan, with a population of just seven hundred thousand, if everyone can adopt the same mindset as our King, we could easily achieve anything and become one of the world's leading nations, even in terms of GDP. There is no doubt about championing Gross National Happiness (GNH) and become global ambassadors of this unique philosophy.  There are countless things I admire about our King, but a few are too close to me personally. I can't help but admire how perfectly our King wears our national dress. If anyone truly showcase the perfect fit of the gho , it would be Him. The curve and the neatness of the lagey , everything is ideally in place highlighting the true beauty of our national dress. Another quality I deeply admire is His command of the National Language, Dzongkha .  Whether He speaks in pure Dzongkha or m

Building the Legacy

I have always felt a strong connection to my homeland, which has played a key role in shaping who I am today.  I am excited to see the recent progress in our nation, especially in areas like architecture, education, and discipline—ideas I had discussed with students and friends long ago. National service is, in my opinion, essential to building our country. Although I had envisioned it a bit differently, it has evolved in a more significant way than I imagined seven years ago. Looking ahead to the next 100 years, it's inspiring to think about the stories we will tell future generations about Bhutan's progress. We will leave behind not just a secure and strong nation, but one that is advanced and forward-thinking. The introduction of programs like Desuung training, and now Gyalsung for high school graduates (September 2024), is especially meaningful. These initiatives reflect where we started and where we hope to go as a nation. For a small country like ours, this level of progr