Finally Mass Cleaning Battle is over

In fact, it was not surprised updates for the students and the staffs to get a notification on mass cleaning campaign on Saturday 19th July.  The statement made it clear on with the work areas and the hours supposed to work. To many it might have sounded a broad statement as working for some seems the hardest job but to those who think study troubles them it might have become honestly a dream before the statement ended.

The notification clearly stated that the cleaning is grounded on class wise monitored by class adviser and monitors. The teacher on duty stated it in a very flawless tone that the works will get over by lunch time, the news that has calmed everybody on the ground. At this time of the year the surrounding is abundantly roofed by the bushes that need clearing because school is considered as the finest place to worship. All the wonders on earth too start from the school. Thus, needs good and clean environment. 
The main motive behind the mass cleaning campaign organized in school annually is to make the surrounding clean and decent place to study. School regularly prepares students both physical and mental planning by conducting varied activities timely.  And even to engage students actively along with daily lesson because learning usually takes place through this kind of activities.  We understood students in the school learn positive moral, excel in academic skills and co-curricular activities that benefits them later in their existence.  Some of the co-curricular activity comprises of mass cleaning campaign and value educations. These are some of the most vital things needed by every human being for survival.

Governed by a simple idea of Gross National Happiness, Ministry of education is trying firmly to up hold the nation by educating GNH concepts in school through plentiful activities. Since, school is only the place where future leaders are made and nurture morally. For each young one, school is the only place to learn right values and attitudes. Now a day the guiding principles behind teaching-learning is all based on GNH concept and normally completes by green school domains too. Although cutting of trees and bushes are against environment preservation but mass clearing and cleaning in school happens for good cause. 

All the students moved by their thought to clear the tall bushes around the school campus, they started battling with the sickle. The sounds of sickle buzzing around heavily shows the work done is happening positively. At this time many unfold their happiness with friends in silence and for many it’s simply a tiring task without knowing even knowing physical activities helps in learning. After a heavy toiling of sickle around the bushes for nearly three hours with maximum energy released in the form of sweat ended up without simple refreshment that clearly shows school management is so heartless. Keeping all of these behind our mind, zhemgang hss family have done a mass cleaning campaign to brand school with new appearances that will endure a positive learning for days to come. Thus, the green school domain is best up lift by creating plastics and papers free zone, zero waste management, cleaning and clearing of tall bushes around the school campus, and through good academic results. In nutshell, the above activities involve a mass participation amongst all.


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