
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Last Glimpse

As, I finally see it ' The Year 2014' had concluded with countless activities of man-kind.  But, now only I can do is to take the brief note of the activities entirely with much penitent and pass back some of the unkind remarks/ feedback . I'd say the year has given me lots of beautiful and the good things. So, all the good things that'd definitely help me go ahead and hoping that would bring me the new change.  Similarly, for the New Year, my conscience is very clear for many good things still to start and definitely this would be the last chance and the view I get to check for the Year/2014 before the air and the happenings of 2015 takes over. I'm sure many would be taking special - ending and starting resolution for the New Year. So, for the proceedings, I'd like to take this last chance to wish all - "The Best Of Luck"---2015...  The Last Chance - SR The Last View - SR

Can It Be Possible - Bhutan?

Photo: SR Before night takes over - I'd rushed to the last shop I was looking for.  It’s only the shop that serves my purpose well and definite.  As I entered into the shop, I was pretty shocked to see the little boy working so professionally. I must say - it came to me like more of surprising than just believing and narrating it. Perhaps, I was totally touched by this little boy and the service he provides for so many people. I was momentarily lost and missed some of my real purpose there in the shop. Thus, having lost in his petite self, I was then left with no other choice then to question him - Where he is from, age and the working experiences? Truly, I've not came across with such little human-being working so efficiently and diligently to this level.   To him, it might have come due his interest and the other may be the compelling factors that made him that professional in the job. It is the daily and precious plate needed for survival.  “H...

454 Images II

This is all the very summary of my down-Town Journey in rare times, that really accord with the  Camera... Indeed, just the flash back. Photo Courtesy: SR Real Time SR Sun-down SR Photo Courtesy: SR

Lines From The Student

I would say the best part of teacher is well known in the book of our students. So, this is what the very examination made for some of the teachers in the school.  Thus, in general they know best things/part of each teachers- the good and the bad parts. And this is only the richness teachers possess and agree on with.  Its nothing more than few lines to satisfy the self esteem, else its difficult to fulfill the life goings.  Picture: Sancha Rai

454 Images I

Dusk time 2014 Special Sunset 2014 Dusk time 2014

Who Is Who?

To me, this is more important than any other progress that has taken place so far.  I’m the biological great grand-son of my late great grand-father and rest of my fathers... Two Generation old  Grand-Father One Generation old Grand-Father One Generation old grand-mother Father Mother Me, Mom and Father

National Day Celebration

First King Of Bhutan It’s a rare occasion to celebrate with jubilation in each heart and soul. –because on this particular day - our first king Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuk, ascended the throne, unifying the country under "Wangchuk Dynasty" to his best ability. In other way, it also gives us the logic of unique nation (Bhutanese), with our own unique identity - language, culture and traditions. Over the period, our wise monarchs have headed the country into peace, prosperous and a sovereign nation. While, we live in a small country but, we've our own distinct uniqueness and own philosophy of life. This particular day strengthen us to become one sole nation, the concept of one people and as one harmonious family.   This day also gives us the complete sense of pride and unprecedented happiness in each self. National day is the day for all of us to envisage on how we've endured strong and united nation over the century.   First King Of Bhutan We would ca...

Life and Alcohol

Photo courtesy : Google Chemistry defines an alcohol as – "any organic compound in which the hydroxyl (OH) functional group is bound to a saturated carbon atom". and here it seems the term is complicated to understand but, it’s always important to know what really an ‘Alcohol’ is all about.  Therefore, anyone who is observant around can see any activities even in bits. So, this time didn't let me go beyond the part of life I've grasped about. Of course, everyone has their own right/choice of living their life but I felt dismay when I see people drunk – I must state it’s the normal happenings of each day in the vicinity. Moreover, the closer views behind is more painful than to share it. I’d like to say something to explain why I felt disappointed and for what?   As somebody once told me, people drink in three special occasions – they drink when they feel happy, sad and normal. That means people drink round the days. And moreover, if mood is the...

The Nobel Peace Prize Winners

Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai For the year 2014 - The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Malala Yousafzai and  Kailash Satyarthi - " for their struggle against the dominance of children and for the right of all children to education ". At this moment, I’m completely running out of words to write on their great success, the struggle that they've shouldered and the example they've set for the world - because, when seventeen year old girl can make history, why can’t we/other?  It’s high time to reflect upon the work she has done by even sacrificing her own life to benefit the forgotten child for education and their right. So, what I can just say is – ' congratulations and hats-off for winning the greatest prize '. Indeed, their move was simply to help all children around the world for human right. Perhaps, they've set wise steps for the children's right for education and proud to see both of them too working against child ...

2015 : National Reading Year

source:Google Perhaps, it was very happy and impressive news for all of us now. Since, Bhutan is observing a –"National Reading Year" to commemorate the 60 th  Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the forth King of Bhutan (King Jigme Singye Wangchuk). I think this is the noblest initiative and the great move than any other expensive works of human. Since, my belief for reading is so much like " the Fish and the Water". Reading is something that gives us the sense of feeling, touch, warmth and association of the worldly beings around us.     I always believe reading truly makes us wiser, because if we go deep inside reading, it gives us the boundless things we desire for, we can travel world within few seconds, we can best imagine the world around and so on. Reading is the simplest and the cheapest mode through which we can put the world in any forms. For me, this initiative is a kind of encouragement and inspiration that gives me bigger wing to...

Why Do I Need a Mother?

This is honestly the simplest question one can reflect in oneness. Why Do I Need a Mother? To this statement, different people would say different things. But, I believe the final arguments would ends with same meaning – "Mother looks after the whole life".  Isn't it TRUE?   source:Google It’s time for all of us to think. What Mother is really meant for? Is it just to cook food for her children or to do some other house-hold activities? For me my mother means lots more than these. "She is a person who cares me, when I’m in need of love and care. She nourishes me, when I’m in need for every necessity of life". Why Do I Need A Mother? My course of life begins all with my mother. Whether or not – firstly, I was given a living inside her womb for entire nine months.  She is only the one, who carried me all with hardship.    She can best explain the pain she'd felt - 'the greatest pain and the greatest sufferings', I've given...

Goodbye Beloved Teachers

When life has thousands reasons to walk and live, I've thousands different ways to spend my coming holidays. So, does you all my ‘teacher-colleagues’ I've been working so hard for nearly, 280 days round the clock in, educating different lives with different wants, likes and ages. Honestly, I've been so busy and fully occupied for countless hours of teachings, correcting exam papers, assessing note books etc… – and that is called the life of a ‘every tangible teachers’. As a teacher/educator, almost every time - life goes beyond teaching and correcting exam papers. As, we need to engage our students into various fields of learning – going for extra classes, attending club activities, prayers, co-curricular activities, literary activities, cultural programs and so on…and this is the life of each teacher behind the screen. Yet, we get lots of blame starting from the people of highest rank to the lowest. In Bhutan, now a day in the name of su...

A Beauty That Fade

Fairly a long time before, there lived a beautiful lady who is in search of happiness. - 'truly a great happiness'.  One day, on her way to city – she found a beautiful bird. She was adored with two wings and the colorful feathers. Perhaps, she was made to fly high-up in the sky, bringing every joy on the Earth. But, as soon as the lady saw the beautiful flying bird, she was impressed and fell in love so deeply. She patiently watched her flight and great drives high-up in the sky. Indeed, she was totally lost for a moment with her flight. She invited this little creature to fly with her and the two journeyed across the sky in great accord. She admired the great instant with her for a few moments – high up in the sky. However, she was little tensed that – she might fly-off, far away leaving her all alone. She was afraid, that she would never get her back again. Yet, she envy for the birds ability to fly up in the sky enjoying all the happiness the world posses...

Ode To Winter

source: Google A time to frost and a time to witness; A time to gather and a time to finish; A time to heat and a time to cook; A time to return and a time to harvest; A time to get and a time to lose; A time to preserve and a time to endure; A time to halt-down and a time to reconcile; A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to joy; A time to keep-silence and a time to speak; A time to love and a time to hate; A time to hold and a time to refrain; A time to knot and a time to enjoy; A time to see and a time to get; A time to search and a time to examine; A time to relish and a time to appreciate; A phase of tolerance and a phase of vicissitudes;

Boldness In Their Heart

Image ' Origin of everything, everything begins where, in the mind of humanizing '. Honestly, I don’t have any suitable ‘adjective or words’ to define their – "Boldness or Courage". Since, at this juncture of ‘Nano-World’, who would dear to come to this extreme. - ‘into public notice’.  When the world is already - selfish, bother-less and helpless. At this situation, if a person uncovers their identity in media or in public, one might end with ‘unkind remarks’, rather than appreciating, supporting and providing opportunity. In fact, their decision was very hard. Still, their courage would help millions of us, - those who are living with the virus and  those secretly hiding from the ‘social stigmatization’. Thumbs-up - to three bold-hearted friends for the kindness and concern.  When they came in front of all, it gave me lifelong messages to be fair. With their decision we're made aware of the reality and the facts revea...

THANK YOU: H.E. Mrs. Tarja Kaarina Halonen

Image Of late, Bhutan was honored to receive the Former President of Finland, H.E. Mrs. Tarja Kaarina Halonen. She was on her five days official tours to Bhutan. On her arrival president expressed her personal happiness on Bhutan's progress in the field of education and for conserving impeccable environment. She also highlighted on the successful journey of Finland's education.   On behalf of Bhutan - Lyonchhen congratulated and thanked Mrs. Halonen for Finland's remarkable success in the field of education. And also for being exemplary and guiding for Bhutanese children, bringing about positive reforms and prioritizing on providing quality learning. But, sadly it’s not so happy ending for, "ministry of education" in a closer-look. Since, ministry is still facing greater challenges that needs further streamlining on – human resources, teaching-learning aids, infrastructures and proper plannings system. Nevertheless, here my po...