Ode To Winter

source: Google

A time to frost and a time to witness;
A time to gather and a time to finish;
A time to heat and a time to cook;
A time to return and a time to harvest;
A time to get and a time to lose;
A time to preserve and a time to endure;
A time to halt-down and a time to reconcile;
A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to joy;
A time to keep-silence and a time to speak;
A time to love and a time to hate;
A time to hold and a time to refrain;
A time to knot and a time to enjoy;
A time to see and a time to get;
A time to search and a time to examine;
A time to relish and a time to appreciate;
A phase of tolerance and a phase of vicissitudes;


  1. Time to relax and celebrate a month long winter holiday. Enjoyed reading your poem sir. Hope you have already planned for your winter vacation.

  2. Thanks for visiting on alys la...ofcourse la and same goes to you too la...thanks and great day ahead...

  3. A time to rest and a time to sleep;
    A time to sit back and a time to reflect;
    A time to hibernate and time to take stock;...just few lines to add to your nice poetry. Nice reading. Winter as you have captured, has lots of good things than just its cold blues. Enjoy winter, blogging!!!

  4. thanks for the well comments and giving me extra wings on it la...do visit again

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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