
Showing posts from August, 2015

This September

This beautiful and subtle September, the flowers of mid-summer, admired by many, many lovers, some yet to blossom and some flourishing, are slowly growing older by the sun-light  Of this coming September. The tweeting sounds of lively birds, deep down that thickened woodlands, becoming thinner by the ending day, Shows the end of this long summer-break.  Every hysterical minds calling this big September, full in full, side by side, come this September, I'll gonna ensemble Great man's day event, To forget all that hell glimpses. This September come with so tariff, challenging, of time, speciality and rareness all entangled, uncertainty of hope makes hesitation grow full and full. to understand the life harshness and delightful,  with dubious feelings, so is This September. On set of this September, romance and in rift, the lovely heart must answer the needed call, feelings and emotions, Never to blinded again, This Sept...

The Big Talk!

Bhutan-China border talks held, Aug 24, 2015 I am absolutely surprised to see what is 'Bhutan and China bordering talks' all about again and again. What's still going in-between Bhutan - China boundary? What is the real progress made for the border talk? Who is benefiting with all of this talk? When will this going to end and for how long will this continue otherwise it's time to settle? So, if it do not bring some positive conclusion then what's the purpose of having a high level meeting one after another? What is still pending?  ''Isn't it a tensing situation for two nations''? I was more shocked to see when the highlight was yet again on the next and higher level of country's meeting, '23 rd  round of boundary talks between Bhutan - China'. Their delegation comprises of eleven-members led by foreign affairs ' vice ' minister, Liu Zhenmin.   What's this whole mean to two nations? Why foreign affair...

My Story

Like most people. I've encountered my own share of difficulties in the veg world. I've learnt a kind of regimen that is deeply rooted in my heart far and beyond. As a boy and having learnt bits of Buddhist beliefs inside the classroom, I've realized that eating of meat is a complete sinful act and against the law of Buddhism. So, with all of these I became vegetarian but greatly lost the path owing to some reasons. But anyway, in-between '2009 to 2013' I'd a good chance to be outside the sinful cycle. But, having undergone so many difficulties at home and around the social culture I finally had to quit the veg world. Of course, Buddhism is so much against this practice yet I couldn't escape this truth. The main problem was when I was with my family members and moreover the home menu ends-up in non-veg. Although the big idea of becoming veg is great but at times we face so much of difficult situations to manage when eighty per cent...

Slaughter House Vs Being Vegetarian ---II

Can it be wise to state that life is only in 'flesh and bones' recipe? If it's not true, then letā€™s be vegetarian. Since, there are so many prominent living examples today. Who lived their life without even depending on this recipe? Still they're living a life. Isnā€™t it true? There're many research based approach of understanding healthy life by being vegetarian. Plus many researches pointed out that, the amount of proteins or energy booster present is significantly more and better in vegetables than in meats. So, do we like simply growing healthier by consuming more complex protein that comes from the meat or simple and digestible proteins form vegetables? In a way we're worsening our own immune system by putting ourselves into difficult situations.   Do you still bear the heart to continue eating of 'flesh and bones'? Do you still bear the pain of animals or Death penalty animals has to undergo? Do you still say you're a true Buddhis...

Slaughter House Vs Being Vegetarian ---I

Isn't it so funny if truly Buddhist country demands to have slaughter house in place or hate the idea of becoming vegetarian? As far as Buddhism is concern and known the view as I see is something absurd and unreasonable.  The very purpose of Buddhism is defeated or crushed if Bhutan by chance comes up with the idea of installing slaughter house in the country, near to the disposal or easy source. Then, we do not need any greatest discoveries to come under limelight literally by more 'flesh and bone' business. The hardest term as I could see and experience is the suffering for 'Death or Death penalty or trying to escape the reality of Death'. When no one likes the ultimate realm of dying or fears to die why is we still consume and feed on blood, bones and the flesh of other beings which is very much same as human beings. When human fears from Death so much, then why is there no exception for other animals that also fears Death penalty as much as human-...

The Phone And The Sex

The material beauty and the charm of living a life these days has become so insane, complicated and ridicule. Although, nothing could really define the processing of this present human-circle than this but the reality is simply disturbing, rattling and unsettling. One's private life had really no longer seemed private because of all existent advancement into technological aspects. And nothing could really replace this curl human mind than this rather into more complex and poisoned.   I'm trying to highlight on the 'sex clips' that are being pooled out viral on mobile voice messaging app called ' WeChat ' recently. Where in the world of Buddhist country is this secret and the compassionate mind of our people has gone today? Is it that the advancement of the world had driven them too far than ever? We talk so much about serving and saving other but where we humbly stand to this statement? This had totally hunted my mind and the...

Dear Alcohol And The Policy Makers -The Two Killers

Source: 'Alcohol' globally is a common problem or issues address in any forum yet nothing could be done so much and so far on this and no exception for small and pristine Himalayan Kingdom ā€“ Bhutan. Having said this, Bhutan usually drops life every hour from alcohol-related diseases.  Ever since alcohol came to an existence life begun to decline so much.  At times, I believe so much on 'carrying capacity of the Earth' that needed to be balanced but is it only through this culture or the ways to turn-over? Of course, the answer is both 'Yes and No'. But, back to individual family is a huge lost that would incur many, many sad story of lost life, lost love and lost parents. For a country where alcohol comes or manufacturers are getting a huge sum but of lost soul, lost faith, lost love and the lost happiness. Nevertheless, learning so much fact, realities and the effects on it, why are our people still not get out of it and...

The Other Side Of The Life ---III

It was almost noon when his new friend 'shopkeeper' reached at his place to attend the house rite. "I made my way out of shack, lost in thoughts. I've come from the Woodland village, simply to attend this program," stated the shopkeeper in inquisitive tone. By the time he reached, the program was in full hand and he was little confused on how to proceed upon. However, the old man's hospitality and warmth made him cosy, happy and homely. Besides old man, he also got to interact with so many new faces or people of different works of life or simply grounds which he ne'er had before made him feel more happy. The rite was all in full move.  The crowd was so engrossed into and finally around dusk time the rite got over with everyone coming together into final prayers. So, this prayers made him feel satisfied and he could realized that unlike diverse culture, believes and tradition everyone are the same but in different clothes....

The Other Side Of The Life -- II

On many curl of his fate, he'd finally grown wiser and richer. So, many good things had happened after his cow disappeared into the jungle, nowhere to be found. Now, he became completely processed man. Standing alone at the dingy corner of his poorly built house, he thought to have house rites, to withstand his lost cow and to add some more good fortune.  As he'd seen his astute and better-off neighbours performing but un-known of the actual facts he wanted to have one. Since, life had kicked him several times before and he even was almost thrown out from the village during those bad situations.   Reflecting all those times, he wanted to better his life. So, he went on possession of someone who knows about the rites in nearby village and luckily found one. He had fixed the date and time for the house rites. After that he proceeded to buy the items required and almost past mid-day he reached to the nearest shop in the village. The shopkeeper was so shocked upo...

The Rarest Collection

His Majesty, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck was an incarnate embodiment of cultural uniqueness and the greatest source of political, spiritual and secular rightfulness. He worked determinedly and gallantly to re-assert Bhutan's independence and sovereignty, with rare qualities that present society no longer finds in its leaders. Throughout his reign, His Majesty had foregone his personal comforts for his citizen's goodness and the benefit. His Majesty also acted so well for not only for the benefit of the Bhutanese people, but also for the entire world so selflessly. When abdicating in favor of the Crown Prince, His Majesty handed over to the Bhutanese people the more affluent, free, sovereign, peaceful and democratic Bhutan. He'd done what he'd promised to the people safely. That was why His Majesty's untimely retirement became a rare history for the people of Bhutan and perhaps, even for the entire world. Within a small Himalayan Kingdom of over few la...

Another Deadlock dated August 7, 2015  - brought yet another deadlock that is ramping in the country recently.   I am unsure and confused on what to say and write in this but many thoughts rolled up as soon as I came across this headline-  'Teenager and grandmother murdered'.  So, in this facade of worldly existence it is becoming so challenging to save our own life or lives. Is it what the scoundrel looking forward for simply killing that 60-years old grandmother and 16-years old school boy or looking for the wealth that she possessed till that old age? If the case is genuine to slit-off their throats in the possession of wealth then the miscreants must be punished and needed to screw with the best of country's law otherwise these kinds of division would top the list. I am sure that the other side of this story would ends up with 'wealth takes own life or lives'. If those miscreants are not after the possession of wealth then there ...

The Other Side Of The Life - I

He was bounded by extreme twist of fate. He lived with his only son poorly in the community but of all - what he had was his generous heart. The man's source of happiness was his lone 'old cow'.  His son never helped him for any work. He had to do all the work by himself alone and son was never of great help to him. Nevertheless, in the name of his wealth was his cow. Despite of his old age, he put all his effort and energy in serving his cow thinking that one day she might bring him some happiness. His days always run with little works behind his cow. He ne'er missed to take his cow to the forest but one day his cow went missing unfortunately in that cavernous forest. He vexed all his energy to spot his cow around but couldn't found as soon it loomed into darkness. Nonetheless, with all his hopelessness he returned home helplessly and with little fury. Upon his late arrival, his son knew about the day's incidences and became lit...