
Showing posts from 2016

Chamkhar Town on Fire!

Source: Taken from His Majesty's personal Facebook page. Yet again for the fourth time, Chamkhar town was on fire. "What do we expect worse than this, the occurrence of man-made disaster?" It is whom to put on the blame when no one cares for it responsively. And I am certain that the case will only last fugitively for few months until someone can escape the door of law. Our heartless people behave as if they are from another planet. Till today no one was traced for the cause, the culprit was still at large and no one seemed to understand the ground reality of the fire out-break? Was it an accident or planned or someone purposely did to punish some people living in the locality. If - this is surely a very cruel act, the act – beyond the punishable law. Just imagine how someone had lost their long standing hardships and sweat into someones few minutes mistakes unto flames. This is never a GNH action! Now what had remains back of the town, - nothing more than th...

Birds - II

Long-tailed shrike - from zhemgang Long-tailed shrike - from sarpang

The Shoe Man!

Shoe Man of Phuentsholing Town The only brave and the handsome Cobbler I have found in the heart of Phuntsholing town is this man. The man who have been doing this job for all most three decades. I could see this job one of the most important, reliable, available and affordable jobs in the market one can always pursue beside any qualifications. If not now – when shall we fulfill the aspiration of our Monarchs, the long-term dream of becoming independent nation? He is on the whole a very fair and hardworking man in his late fifties, trying hard to realize the needs and the demands of our people around. I would call him a "The Golden Man!"    But, how many of us would readily accept such job opportunity, when the demand is very high? I bet you, very few would choose to be in his place. Since, we have a very deeply rooted notion to level this job a ‘third class work or only an Indian or labor do this job’, as if all the Bhutanese are like Emiratis. As i...

Birds of Zhemgang - II

Name: Oriental white eye Name: Rufous sibia

Birds of Zhemgang

Blue-whistling thrush Common Myna Coral-billed scimitar babbler


Grey Bushchat Verditer flycatcher

Random Shots

Oriental Magpie Robin Red-vented bulbul Taiga flycatcher

Dear ALL!

13th December – What can you say? For me, the day I hate the most, the day I never wanted to be in, the day I never wanted to remember and experience. I called it - the doomsday for Bhutan! And I feel this is a serious national concern for the country. For a small country like ours – the night will be more expensive than 9/11 attack because our own class ten and twelve students won’t mind to rob the country after having learnt all the good values of life in the school. As, it marks the formal ending of the exams, which also marks the ends of all the academic activity nation-wide. But, in the past it was found that main victims of the night would be our teachers and their properties. Their mistake emancipate out in the form of anger and frustration to street lights and bins with black-out-kicks. Once the exam gets over, they claim to end every proceedings of life, they will start to act as if they have won the world trophy, as if they won't be living on this soil and...

This is a Reply to a Facebook post done by Mr. Dargo Tashi on BDFL employees.

Respected sir ,  I know you are smart, I admires you for your genuine heart and your level of patriotic feelings for this country. And remember I do follow you constantly so much for all the commonest days happening of the country. Of late, you have become the sources, the Google store for me particularly.  I like the way you put up things for discussion. And I do like your opinions and the remedies on any pertaining issues you try to put up. But, today while I was surfing your opinions on the issues of - ‘BDFL terminates employees without prior notice’, I felt some gust of sore. Some unfair means of intervention and correcting methods being used unwisely and peremptorily for BDFL employees.  And I am neither talking on behalf of the defendants nor they are my relatives. Further I am not at all related to the BDFL, a state enterprise company based in Paro and Phuentsholing possibly. You have honestly mentioned your views on your own experiencing of running ...

Iron Lady of India dies at 68.

It was neither a good news to millions of Tamilian nor to the parliament house. But, she will continue to remain one of the most influential person in politics and in the film industries. Perhaps, she became more than the goddess of Tamil Nadu politics. She has been a greatest asset to her country in her best pursuit. The women who has ruled India more like 'Gandhian Philosophy.'   Jayalalithaa jee She has done every preeminent possible ways to bring massive changes in the life of millions of people and uplifted the Indian society than any other women. She had worked so hard, she had risk every bits of her life just for the benefit of all the Indians because of which she had gained a huge popularity amongst the other leaders. She was popularly known as an ‘ Iron Lady ’ for being tough and firm in her action and ‘ Amma ’ for acting more than a mother for millions of homeless and to the needy ones.’   The best part I have seen throughout her political regime and fi...

Thimphu Has More City Bus Services than Zhemgang’s Total Number of Vehicles.

Thimphu, City Bus While it is very good news for the people living in Thimphu city. But it's not same for the people living in far-away places like Zhemgang about the new city bus hitting the road. The very obsolete fact about the Zhemgang is – zhemgang always remains cut-off from public transport services. Even, Taxi isn't so reciprocity during emergency. Whatever, city will continue to prosper - while Zhemgang can only afford to produce pools of fresh and polished air. No vehicles no air pollution – and the recent parliament discussion wasn't far-off from the new city bus hitting the Thimphu high-way. The planners in Bhutan lack a key ingredient to a free and fair developmental plans; the freedom to see the forest beyond the trees, the freedom to choose what is necessary for the growth of the country lies within and far away from our unwise politicians. I couldn’t help but to simply agree with the policy makers and the bureaucrat on whatever they imp...

Mr. CG7???

Chencho Gyeltshen: Bhutan's first international Football player. Source:google It's harder to believe in reality, the veracity of the changing times throughout. But, it is as simple as this; once we used to believe life beyond impossible to sustain through playing 'Games and Sports' alone. Although, playing can also conceitedly encapsulate likelihoods like any other jobs or business.  Shall we still continue to remain complacent like what it used to be in the past or time to turn back the clock and say it’s time to think out-of-the-box. Whatever, let’s be more practical for constantly changing world to beat the uncertainty of times. No sooner did we hear the press release of our only Footballer; Mr. Chencho Gyeltshen  (CG7),  who will be soon playing in  Chittagong Abahani of the Bangladesh Premier League  than he started to become largely popular figure everywhere - even to the most and far uneducated lots.   I know as an ind...

My Workplace Toilet!

If you think you need rules to use toilet then we need more straighten rules in place to visit marketplace here after. But for sure we don't have both even decimally in place. And remember our first option and the priority should be to have clean toilet for all of us, for all times.   My activities at my workplace on World toilet day: 19th, Nov. I hope all of the colleagues would like to use this clean toilet. Let's make this a lifelong habits and not just for a day. I would like to request all my friends to use all the toilets smartly so that  we don't want our Bhutanese giving example of other countries like Japan and Singapore for serving the cleanest toilet when we have everything at our reach.   My workplace toilet: 19th, Nov 2016 I think and to my best level - 'Bhutan toilet organization' is doing their best to implement clean toilets and good toilet habits to all of us but unsure of how many of us are really taking care of this simple ...


      61st- Birth Anniversary of your Majesty'; King Jigme Singye Wangchuck!   Fourth King of Bhutan