William Shakespeare

Royal Education Council is likely to reintroduce Shakespeare in the English curriculum for secondary schools after nine years gap. It is to replace dramas for present class XI and XII have in the curriculum, from 2017 academic session.

Shakespeare was discontinued in 2006 with the introduction of New Bhutanese English Curriculum. Many had felt Shakespearean language was obsolete and difficult and that is how it came to a halt. 

However, based on the discussions carried out by REC with English teachers across the country, the reintroduction of Shakespeare was deemed important. All the English teachers felt that it has cavernous meaning, much quintessence and values which are not seen in the dramas being taught in the new curriculum.

William Shakespeare  
But with the reintroduction of this new curriculum I am bit confused whether our new generation can adopt with it or not - thou, thy, thee, wouldst, dost. I'm somehow lucky to get last chance to study the old English curriculum when I was in class ten. At least I know who is William Shakespeare and his few textbooks that was there in our old curriculum.  

I wish - All the best for the successful reintroduction of Shakespeare textbook and hope our new generation can get better chance to explore all about Shakespeare in the wheel of technology.  


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