
Showing posts from April, 2017

Teacher and Teaching Jobs in Bhutan.

Every trained teacher leaving their profession is a pressing concern not only for Ministry of Education. It's a national concern and the shame!  If this trend continues, it will leave behind a series of education depth. Honestly, it shall impede the systemic flow of humanity and hampers in the economic growth of the country.  Of all, our parents and students are at loser end w hen government turn their deaf ear to solve this national issues.   It is high time our government take ardent means to stop our veteran teachers leaving their profession. They should do some serious homework why and what is making them leave their job at this surprising rate. When someone with good field experience leaves the system, it would cost government in millions. These days our teachers are more like Chinese product as they reach their expiry date so soon, easy to enter and easy to exit.  Does it mean that those teachers resigning are boarding abroad for better live...

Chilli Story.

Our organic gang is robbing the country. This is for them, the only possible remedy to stop them from turning illegal. Nu. 700 per kilogram! For what? Green Chilies of Punakha. What's wrong with our chili these days? Ch ilies are an essential ingredient which make up 25% to 75% of our  dishes. There isn't any other substitute for it. And going by the price hike, back home I am thoroughly confused what number of chili should I add to prepare a meal.  Expensive meals! It looks perfect but what about the survival, when Electricity tariff and Smart Net Pack system is already robbing us.   If situation do not improve in coming days, I won't hesitate to beg chicken-chili from my neighborhood lady. After hearing the market price of our chilies, the very first impression I had was to quit eating chili. I would rather prefer to go for other balance diet foods to hit my dining table than to pay this huge sum for one item. Honestly, I don't...

Bhutan National Flower

Recently the national flower of Bhutan has got a new name as  Meconopsis gakyidiana  from  Meconopsis grandis  by Japanese researcher team. The blue poppy now has been upgraded to a species. Earlier the national flower was misidentified as a subspecies to  Meconopsis grandis . The  Maconopsis gakyidiana  was named after country's development philosophy, Gross National Happiness. Gakyid stands for "Happiness" and diana is the nomenclature term for the flower. The researchers have found that the  Meconopsis gakyidiana  is found only in Merak and Sakteng, Bhutan.  Meconopsis , which are similar in colour and pattern are found in Paro, Haa and Bumthang are not  Meconopsis gakyidiana , which people misunderstand with the national flower. What more hoax do we expect to happen than this catastrophe? There are number of assumptions we could draw from this failure; first, it seemed that our education system is ...


I shall envy no other subject than this still subject. There won't be another bigger and happier moment than capturing this undisturbed mountain-top.  I have seen many national and international family visitors and so is me. The moment I have walked uphill to get some clean shots, I have seen few following me for the same. The minute later I have seen some more creeping closer to me shooting on the same subject. I am not sure how many of them have a gawked-eye to see 108TH stone stupas the way I have seen it. I have overheard people around said about how beautifully it was built and placed over the landscape.  The jewels of the valley and the country! The name "DO-CHULA" came after successfully subduing the most terrifying demons. It is believed that the demons were uprooted and put underneath the soil in the same spot where 108 TH  stone stupas are standing today.  Anyway, this is how I got my long standing dreams of Dochula photo-shoot. ...

Tshechhu Faces, Zhemgang!
