
Showing posts from June, 2018

Lesson to learn from our three Bhutanese women recently rescued by Mumbai police

google No sooner had I read the news titled –'Alleged trafficking of three Bhutanese women to Sri Lanka yet to be verified,' I recalled the movie titled –'Taken Film Series,' which was well played by Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson ) to rescue his 17-year old daughter after she is being kidnapped by a group of Albanian human traffickers and sold her into flesh business while travelling to France for her vacation. Like in the movie, it won't be possible to have techniques and skills like how Bryan Mills have to get his daughter. We can't rely on GPRS technology like in the movie unless it is well planned. The movie comes as a great lesson for anyone, our youths, parents and guardian –especially young girls or women to be extra careful about themselves while travelling, both within and outside. More so, when one plan to fly abroad.    The movie connect so well with both good and dreadful sides of human life, when there are good people around, there are eq...

I wish I was a Painter

A farmer by profession. A painter by destiny, was a man I met unofficially in my school campus few months back. He is an extraordinary man. He creates magic when he is with his little brush and a color. I bet you, his painting skills will simply impress you. He not only does painting works but also does farm work to keep his livelihood sound and alive. He recently took some painting works at my school campus. I met him for a brief moment when he was busy painting  Tazey  (assembly podium). I chanced to share about his painting works. For a while he claim to say that government jobs are far superior and healthy to what he does. However, it took me long to convince him even though I have backed with some good reasons to stand my claim.    Assembly Podium With unemployment on rise, our curriculum must focus onto practical and hand on experience lessons, broadening their knowledge and nurturing transferable skills to support their success ...

The Gyalsey: The future of Bhutan

Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck is the son of Desi Jigme Namgyal. He laid the foundation of Wangchuck Dynasty on 17th, December 1907 after bulldozing the last chanced battles that culminated at Changlimethang to the ashes. He was best known for his muscular strength, courage and intellectual ability from his early age while he was serving at his father's office.   We came long way through thick and thin journey lead by our visionary Monarchs without much external threats so far. Till today we can proudly stand to say that we have our own land and our own national identity. Had it been the other ruler, Bhutan would have been different. The royal focused would have been for –GDP over GNH.    HRH, the Gyalsey, first Royal picture taken by Druk Gyalpo Image courtesy: His majesty's personal Facebook page Bhutan has made yet another bigger milestone on 5th, February 2016 with the birth of our Royal Prince ( to be the sixth King of Bhutan ), Jigme Namgyel W...

Historic Summit Between North Korea and the US

In upholding peace and tranquility of every nation, this costly handshake of two extreme leaders of North Korea and America was long anticipated.    The two very unfamiliar men by choice have finally set to meet on the far Sentosa Island of Singapore is something very special and historic not only for the two nations but also for the rest of the world. Although, it is claimed as one of the most expensive meeting by the two leaders but it was worth spending 20 million US dollars.  I wish I had all that money. I can retire young, rich and powerful. But on the other hand, the history was made by the first sitting US president, Donald J. Trump for opening new brotherly diplomatic tie with longtime rival North Korea. This is what world is waiting to see for so long.  The actual clash escalated only after Kim took matter single handedly by testing several missiles threatening the world both physically and mentally.   But the bigger fear came on...

Night to Remember.

It was 7 th  of June, when my better–half left for her official outing to Bangkok. I was compelled to be an acting mother to my little baby girl.  Initially, I was bit worried about how shall I keep her happy, and my other worry was to manage her in the night–board.  Perhaps, with finger crossed I hate night approaching. I wish night to be the shortest or else no night at all.  During the day, I can make her happy and laze her in many ways by taking her outside in the sun and in the rain. I can take her to drive and buy her favorite chips. With all these thoughts first night have approached sooner than expected, but wasn't troublesome as anticipated. She slept peacefully with occasional break through. But I have doped her with some milk and with her favorite nursery rhymes.   For young kids, I know what it is to be without a mother. First few nights was completely a heart pinching nights for three of us? When she cried, I felt the weight of t...