My Proposal to ShaMa Foundation

This is my sincere request to ShaMa Foundation on 16th, April 2019 which I made for my school and students. I am hoping for the positive reply from the foundation soon or within a few hours as stated. 

Respected Sir or Madam,

With due respect, I Sancha Bdr. Rai, (teacher) would like to sincerely request your foundation for some urgent help. Since, over the years, I have devotedly followed various social service work and programs initiated by ShaMa Foundation. I have learned of different lives and communities that are changed and benefitted by your kind and commendable activities. Therefore, I found your foundation to be an ideal source to seek help.

To state some backgrounds of the school –Zhemgang Central School was established in the year 1958 and has been functioning as one of the great learning institutions which lies in the central part of Bhutan. According to the population and housing report 2008 and 2018, Zhemgang is still one of the most remote and economically backward districts in the country. Further, the place has had a perennial water shortage problem for so long. 

Therefore, school has some urgent need for some Water Storage Tanks since school restrooms/toilets lack running water facilities. School gets water only twice a day for one hour (i.e. morning and evening) which is not at all sufficient to meet our daily demand. Therefore, it is extremely becoming difficult to maintain good sanitation and a healthy lifestyle for all the students. The other is the Sanitary Napkin Disposal Unit/Can for our female students, which I found is equally important and necessary for maintaining good sanitation.

Although we have a very clear law which states equal rights for clean water and sanitation or access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, due to lack of funds, schools have failed on several occasions to procure these items. 

Therefore, school administration has observed that there was a serious health related impact on younger students who were more prone to sanitation and hygiene related infections, causing frequent sickness and thereby increase in the case of absentees from school, which hampers their daily learning. 

The following is the information about Zhemgang Central School, Zhemgang. 


The following are the items proposed from your foundation. 

Quantity required
Water Storage Tank (Polythene Tank)
(1,000-1,500) Litres
4 numbers
Sanitary Napkin Disposal Unit/Can (Girls)
6 numbers

Therefore, school would remain obliged if your generous foundation would help us in the proposed items. We are looking forward for the positive reply from your foundation. 

Thank you


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