"Green Chemistry" more than a Classroom Lesson
With a fast growing population and technology, it is becoming extremely difficult to manage oneself, others and the environment we live in. School is no exception, since almost 76.4 million people are in school on a daily basis. Which means school curriculum and classroom activity should be holistic one; should cater the need of everyday life and life after school. " Green chemistry " authored by Dr. N.K. Sharma for Grade IX Students was something very formidable. It comes at the right time and space. Such topics become the need of the time with unbecoming of human desires. Good values must start right at the base of human thinking. I feel the topic is more than just a normal classroom lesson, although other topics are equally important and loaded. However, this topic is more understandable, practical and applicable in daily lives at each home. In fact, every day is made up of such a circle of values directly or indirectly. We want more of such holistic contents to be par...