
Showing posts from September, 2019

"Green Chemistry" more than a Classroom Lesson

With a fast growing population and technology, it is becoming extremely difficult to manage oneself, others and the environment we live in. School is no exception, since almost 76.4 million people are in school on a daily basis. Which means school curriculum and classroom activity should be holistic one; should cater the need of everyday life and life after school.  " Green chemistry " authored by Dr. N.K. Sharma for Grade IX Students was something very formidable. It comes at the right time and space. Such topics become the need of the time with unbecoming of human desires. Good values must start right at the base of human thinking. I feel the topic is more than just a normal classroom lesson, although other topics are equally important and loaded. However, this topic is more understandable, practical and applicable in daily lives at each home. In fact, every day is made up of such a circle of values directly or indirectly. We want more of such holistic contents to be par...

Child Adoption Dilemma –III

Name : Wangchen Dorji Standard : Twelve Arts E Date of Birth : 4 th  November, 2000 Village : Toerzoe village (Bumthang) Previous school : Yebilabtsa CS Present school : Zhemgang CS Club : Culture House : Dhom Hobbies :  1. Basketball .  He is one of the best basketball players in the school. He is a school basketball player from 2018.  2. Table Tennis .  Popularly known as Ping Pong Ball. He plays good table tennis games. He is a very creative and skillful player. He is active in the game. He always defends well to win most of the matches in school both class-wise, and house-wise. 3. Reading .  During his leisure time he reads some good books to back his ambition. His reading list are mostly Fiction Books. However, horror books are also on his reading list.  4. Horse riding .  He also dreams to become an Olympic horse riding champion someday.  Ambition :  Journalist . Since, he likes to travel and explore the world. He wants to tell the...

Can Zhemgang Become the Model Dzongkhag?

Lately, Zhemgang Dzongkhag caught national attention for being " pitifully removed from the Tourism Flagship Programme, 2019 ". Heart-breaking not only for  Khengpas  but also to other business flocks. Sadly, nothing under the sun has changed despite utmost Pangbang MP's espousal vibes. Perhaps, everything wrapped up in pique and extreme malaise. However, there is no reason to regret and look back. Instead, it is time to come together to discuss, and rethink lapses and way forward to make " Kheng"  a tourist destination.  Whatever? We must not feel down, neglected and unconcerned. Government's decision to replace Zhemgang upon Sarpang Dzongkhag is very appropriate. Although Zhemgang had lost around 10M but that is not the end of the world. There is always a second chance! I saw it as a blessing in disguise not only for the people here, but also for all the policy makers to look back, and plan relevant activities with what the heart can give and t...

The Random


My Toilet Dream to Innocent Kids of Trong ECCD

Carrying a SATO pan on my back, it took me around four minutes by walk to reach Trong ECCD Centre which is located a few footsteps below the Majestic Zhemgang Dzong.  I quickly exchanged a few words of greetings with teachers there. Like lovely kids, perhaps, they all seemed so happy, and promising. Before heading straight into my " toilet talk",  I took a moment, showed them the Blue SATO Pan that was in my hand. Interestingly, I got all sorts of answers. Uncle! "I got white Toilet, I got a big Toilet, and I got a small Toilet". Which means, they at least have some sense of toilets. It seems some of them are really using their toilets in good manners. However, it seems some of them are yet to be in the line. Above all, most of them were absolutely energetic, talkative and lively. I wish older versions of our school children would be like them. lovely. cute. I have silently wished them to remain all the same and lovely.  The next question was; Which toile...