Our Thimphu Valley is teeming with populations of all kinds. It is not only one of the most loved places, but also one of the highly visited cities in Bhutan. All works of people make their visit officially or unofficially at least in their lifetime. It was not long ago, one granny whom I know very closely has visited our Capital City only to find carelessly built buildings, poorly framed drainage systems, and pitiful roads. However, we never give up talking big about "High Tourist Destination, and Carbon Negative Country." Therefore, I write to your reputed self to express my concern over Planting of Trees (greening of urban) in and around our Thimphu city. Although, I have seen you working extremely very hard for the people of the whole 20 Dzongkhags. Over the years, Thimphu has seemingly become one of the crowded places, and there is nothing much we can do now. We need to do something urgently, when the population is still manageable, and grounded, because it seems eve...