Japanese Made Bridge to Remember - Part III
Recently I had a trip to Trongsa. The ongoing DNC Bridge construction project between Zhemgang and Trongsa National Highway, which is a few kilometers away from Trongsa Town, had immensely surprised me. It feels good to see Japanese people working absolutely very hard in the land of Drukpas (in GNH land). Like no other people, they have a very pure heart to serve our people. Honestly, not even our professionals do this in any field.
Every time I pass across their Bridge it gives me different feelings, the massive satisfaction. Of course, I didn't know the exact number of DNC (Japanese) bridges in Bhutan, but I know most of them are fully serving its purpose.
It seems we are absolutely not getting their mission, and the core motives of such grand, and aids of Japanese and the government of Japan. When shall we understand their mission, and the motives? Their Work Ethics. Their testament of quality. Their safety control at the site. Their systematic work brain power. Their work organizing skills. Their time management skills. And their monitoring trends.
It seems to me as always; Japanese people are seemingly the best working force, hard working people, and trusted partner. For varied reasons, they are not only the promising and faithful partners, but also a very dedicated above service and faith.
One of the officials from the DNC Project stated that, "I learned from my superiors who said, before starting work, we need to visit the field. During the paperwork, we need to imagine the field. This is the best way to make our work accurate, efficient, and to secure quality."
Will this happen in our construction development board?
Overall, as an ordinary Bhutanese, I have seen them working very hard, seems like they have very patriotic feelings for Bhutan and towards their work. For a long period of time, I like their motives, and their WORK ETHICS! However, by nature and sticking by the developmental philosophy we should be more mindful, better serving people, trusted one, and good human-being than possibly anybody else.
One thing I dislike is
the hydropower project being blatantly executing between Bhutan-and-India. The
sinking of PHPA-I and II are actually cutting down some thickly polluted
Bhutanese fats now both financially, and environmentally. The debt is multiplying at the speed of light, and the projects are happening at the slowest snail pace.
The only hope left is to
shy away from signing new Hydropower project contract until all the ongoing
projects are complete safely at the lowest additional cost.
However, this lines of
Udai made me feel proud for some day our own Bhutanese can become a bomb
shield, "I hope that my son will completely acquire necessary skills and knowledge
in DNC. Then, my ambition is to enhance the capacity in the construction
industry in Bhutan with my son."
What if we think to
tapping Japanese skills and the expertise to ensure similar technical pass-down from experienced Bhutanese working in DNC to the younger generations. What if we encourage more educated minds to take a chance to work, and learn from them. We need their working ethics someday. I believe that such foremost skills, and knowledge are one of the most irreplaceable fortunes in Bhutan, and that imperceptible fortune should be
taken advantage in all the construction sites, to develop a reliable construction
industry across Bhutan.
Along with these, let us also not forget
to ensure the safety and the implementation of the quality system across all our development sectors.
I personally pray for the secure, transparent, and vibrant system to enshrine
someday in the Land of Drukpas.
THANK YOU JICA. THANK YOU JAPANESE AND THE GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN. You continue to shine, we continue to enjoy your good service. Your sincere
work ethics is deeply valued in Bhutan for all the times.
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